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Sorry, this is a bit late, my college classes have started up and I have a full term so I don't have as much free time to write now.

When Lance woke up, Keith was with him. This was only odd since Keith didn't sleep in his room last night, they didn't share a room, yet here he was.

Keith was already awake, he felt Lance move when he woke up, so he smiled and looked at him

"Keith, what are you doing here? I'm not upset, just surprised." Lance smiled at Keith as he questioned him, he liked waking up with Keith beside him.

"I woke up not long ago. I wanted to see if you were awake yet, but when you weren't, I didn't want to wake you up so I just laid with you." Keith explained to Lance with a smile. Lance moved over so he was closer to Keith, he rested his head on Keith's chest since Keith was laying on his back. Keith wrapped one arm around Lance and held him close.

They didn't speak, they just sat in the silence but it wasn't awkward. It was comforting, their lives were both filled with so much chaos that it felt nice to be able to have time to themselves, time to relax and not have to worry about what others thought of them. They were the only things that mattered, no one could tell them otherwise.

"I'm going to look at apartments today." Keith mentioned, Lance could hear his heartbeat rise as he spoke about it.

"I don't want to have to listen to my parents, they shouldn't be able to control me anymore."

Lance didn't say anything at first, he hummed in agreement with Keith's statement and cuddled closer towards him.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Moving can be stressful, I want to make it less stressful for you."

"You can come to help me chose one." Keith suggested but quickly added on, "Not in the way that you'd be living there with me, but if you help me chose then the process will be easier. I won't have to sort the good from the bad myself."

Lance nodded and smiled at Keith, "I'll come with you, but let's cuddle a bit more first."


Lance and Keith were walking around the town since it was much smaller than a regular city, the town didn't have any other public transit other than taxi's and neither of them wanted to pay each time they went to see an apartment. They'd been to three already but none of them seemed right. Some were too big and Keith couldn't afford to live in them, and some were under maintenance and would need work that Keith couldn't do.

They'd spent two and a half hours looking already since they were walking between them. They'd already gotten lost a few times, but nothing they couldn't find their way out of.

Lance learned on this day that Keith is not good at reading maps. It wasn't even paper maps, it was on his phone but he wasn't good at navigating.

"There are three more apartments that I wanted to look at, the next one's close by." Keith explained as he looked at his phone.

"Are you sure it's close by or is this a repeat of the second one we saw?" Lance joked which earned a glare from Keith. Lance jokingly put his hands up in surrender and watched as Keith went back to his phone and concentrated on the destination. His eyebrows furrowed and he was staring so intensely at the phone that Lance was sure it was going to burst into flames at any moment.

Keith took Lance's hand and lead him down the road where they turned yet another corner, at this point Lance thought they were just going in circles around the same block until they finally arrived at an apartment building.

"This is the one we were looking for." Keith explained as he looked between his phone screen and the building to compare and make sure that it was the same one.

Lance held off from making another joke about Keith's terrible navigational skills and walked with him to the apartment main entrance.

"We're here to look at an open apartment that you have?" Keith explained to the obviously overworked and underappreciated lady who was waiting at the main floor of the apartment. He had called ahead of time to say he was looking for apartments so she had known he would be here to see it.

She popped the bubble she'd just blown with her bubble gum and handed him some papers. "Okay, I'm the landlady here, I'll show you to the open apartment. These are forms about our rules and regulations if you do choose to stay here. No animals, play your rent on time, that sort of stuff."

She motioned for them to follow her as she walked to the elevator, which conveniently was already on the first floor where they were. Once inside she selected the third floor out of a total of eight.

She didn't say anything on the ride up and neither did the boys. They didn't want to make the already awkward encounter more awkward by possibly saying the wrong thing.

The hallway was long and painted an off-white colour but not a super strong off-white. Keith thought it may have actually been painted white originally but began to slowly get darker with time. There were brown doors on either side that lined the hall, each, of course, is a different room.

"The place you're looking at is the apartment room 328." She led them down the hallway as she spoke, "They're not fully furnished, but there are some things such as kitchen appliances that we supply and one couch which the last owner left behind. If you want the couch you can take it." She unlocked the door and revealed the apartment.

The walls were painted a light brown colour, one that resembled coffee after some cream was poured into it, the floor was a black tile and the roofs were white.

It wasn't a huge space, but there were three definite rooms, two of which were smaller. One for a bathroom since there were already toilet supplies and of course a toilet and shower in there, the other smaller one would be for a bedroom and the one main one which had a couch on the farthest wall from where the three of them were standing at the door was the living room.

Keith stepped into the apartment and looked around, on the opposite side of the couch and resting on the same wall which had the door to enter the apartment was the fridge, stove, and microwave.

There was no bed in the bedroom, but he'd be able to take the one from his house. Once he was gon his parents would have no use for it

After looking around, Keith noticed that this apartment would need the least amount of work out of the few he'd already seen. It was a bit pricier than the other two, but nothing he couldn't handle, especially after he got a job and wouldn't be relying on the savings that he had gotten while living with Shiro.

Lance walked over to Keith and grabbed his hand, "What do you think?"

Keith turned and looked at the landlady, "I'll take it."

"Okay, the first payment will be needed this week for confirmation, it's the amount of one month's rent. It's the deposit so I know you'll actually stay here and not just abandon it. Rent is due on the last day of each month." Explained, her voice was still relatively monotonous, but there was a bit more excitement this time but it was barely noticeable.

Keith and the landlady went through the deposit amount and figured out how he'd be able to pay, and after they did, Keith and Lance began the walk back to Lance's house. It wasn't too far, maybe a twenty-minute walk.

"Thank you for coming with me." Keith smiled as Lance as they walked.

The two turned the corner onto Lance's street, "Of course. I told you I would." As they walked, they noticed a car parked in front of their house that wasn't there when he left.

It was a car that Keith knew too well.

"Whose car is that?" Lance questioned, his walking pace slowed down as he tried to identify the car.

Keith's pace didn't slow down at all though, he just stopped as soon as he recognized the car.

"That's my parent's car."

The end is coming soon, probably within a few chapters.

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