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Gladion lied against Silvally in his room as the Pokémon slept. It was exhausted from training all day with his trainer. Gladion pulled out his phone and decided to scroll through Pokégram. A large sum of them were food and people with their Pokemon. Only one picture stuck out at him.  ________________________

User< posted 15 minutes ago.

It was a picture of a girl in a white sweater with black jeans and her h/c hair up in h/s. She had her arm around a Shiny Houndooms neck and was smiling widely. The Houndoom looked joyful and was licking the girl's face and you could see it's tail mid-wag in the back of the picture. The picture was set in a large field and a couple Flabébé and Butterfree were seen flying.


It was captioned: Look who just evolved today! So proud (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Gladion didn't know why, but this girl intrigued him. He liked the photo and followed. A little while later he got a notification.


>User has followed you<


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