A.C.E as your Best Friends

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-The typical friend that is really hot and everyone ask you if he is your boyfriend or if he is single
-The guy that is always like "Uhh Y/N... I'm looking so hot today, right?" You will roll your eyes and he will just wink at you
-It's very protective when it comes to you, when guys are checking you out he will put his arm around your shoulders so they understand you're his.
-Will listen to you and your problems any time, it could be 2 in the morning and you have an exam the next day, and he will be right there for you, comforting you.
-24/7 singing out loud
-Hates to be called "cute"
-Always ready to help you out


-The kind of friend that will act as your older brother
-Always mocking you and making you "angry" just because he loves to see your reaction
-Likes when you play with his hair and falls sleep anywhere when you do that
-He gives you intense looks and when you ask him "what?" He will just smile and keep going with his life
-Loves loves loves playing with your cat, 100% sure he keeps going to your house just because of the cat
-It's the kind of friend that always says "I told you" but will comfort you all night.
-You steals his sweaters and he let you cause that way he can come back to your house to play with the cat


-The artistic and shy friend
-He's always working in something, music, art, fashion... And, of course, you're the first one to listen or see it
-Will make you handmade gift
-People see him not so attractive even if you swear he looks like an angel, but when he shows his forehead everyone's head over heels for him and you just say "Ja. I told you."
-You love to back hug him to see his cheeks getting red and he becoming more shy
-Probably has a crush on you, but is too shy to tell you
-Loves walking with you around and see the sunset together
-One time he kissed you while seeing a sunset, but when you ask him about it he couldn't answer properly


-The cute friend that always make you smile
-It's an amazing dancer and always try to show you or teach you his new dance moves
-Stare contest anytime at any moment, in the middle of a meal? Yes, in the middle of a class? Of course, in the middle of a exam? No! Focus BK!
-Looooves skinship and having you closer giving him love
-It's little, but he will always step out for you when someone disrespect you, little, but strong and wild as a chihuahua.
-FaceTime you to do work together, but both of you end talking of nonsense and distracting with little things
-You make secret sleepovers, your parents would never let you be together in a solo room a whole night, but both of you make them when your or theirs parents aren't home, cause you love cuddle each other, watching movies and playing.


-The funny friend that makes everyone laugh when he's around
-Makes crazy things with you, matching henna tattoos? Check, making your first piercings togethers? Check, going to McDonalds at 12 a.m.? Check
-When you're down he will try to make you smile and laugh, but when he sees it's something serious he will be there to listen to you
-Bought matching pijamas when there was a sleepover party, "Best friends most look the same, like if they come from a cult" that is what he said when someone asked you
-When he falls sleep in class, he will go and ask you for tutorships with big eyes and a pouty mouth
-Always invites you ice cream the 14 of each month, cause that was the day you both met, "Chan... It has been 14 years, what are you doing?" "It's our day! Let's celebrate!"
-Will always offer you his jackets cause he loves how they look in you

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