Ateez as your classmates

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-The president of the class that every teacher loves
-A super good student and it's friendly with everyone, even with the people that mock him
-Gives personal classes to some students that need helps
-Even if he's friendly with everyone, he's usually always alone and that makes him sad
-Has a part-time job at a 7/11 so he can save up for the things he likes
-Recently a guy that he gives math classes to, named Yunho, invited him to his house to play video games with him and another friend. Seonghwa felt really happy after that.
-Favorite Class: Math and physics

-The artistic and kinda rebellious student
-He costumized his uniform and even after a lot of reports he keeps wearing them
-Stopped skipping classes cause his mom asked for it, he's really smart, but he gets bored easily in class
-Sits next to the windows so he can look outside and get lost in his imagination
-In the rest periods he works in his music and lyrics
-He defends people from the bullies, causing him to get into trouble often, added to that he gets mocked too because of his short height.
-Favorite Class: Art and Music.

-The artistic and good student
-Unlike Hongjoong, Yunho is a really good student, he's very respectful and diligent with his work
-His only weakness is in math, so he takes the tutorships that Hwa gives, he invited him to play video games after that
-He's in the chorus of the school, but also takes singing lessons after school.
-Has a YouTube Channel where he post his songs and covers, sometimes his friend Jongho sings with him
-Thinking about taking an audition for a group, but it's not so secure about it
-Favorite Class: Music and Literature

-The weird but funny student
-Always tries new things and shows it to his friends, like that time he made the gummy beat cult/concert meme or when he shows the others his collection of drones that he's very proud of
-Always participate in class and corrects the teacher when it's needed
-He's best friends with Wooyoung, but suddenly they stopped seeing each other a lot, he feels sad because of it, but doesn't tell anything to Woo cause he knows he's doing things he likes
-Found a new friend named Seonghwa after a video game afternoon with him and Yunho
-Now he works in the 7/11 with Hwa and have fun with him doing "experiments" with no one is around
-Favorite class: Science and Chemistry (specially laboratory)

-The lost but kind student
-The kind of student that will ask the person next to him something about the class when he doesn't understand
-Everyone thinks he's a bad guy because of his features, but in reality it's a cute and soft guy
-He's lowkey popular around girls because of his bad boy appearance
-He loves the people that brings millions of colors and different types of post-it, always goes near them and ask them if they can take a look at those things
-He's always lost with the things and tends to need someone that reminds him that there is a test or homework
-He's in dance classes and when it's class day he's the happiest
-Favorite Class: Lunch and Art

-The popular and athlete student
-Not so much a good student, so he takes tutorships with Seonghwa
-It's in the same basketball team as Wooyoung and it's one of the most valuable players
-Used to get into fights a lot until he met Hongjoong, after that he found a way to drain his anger in music
-Now he follows Hongjoong everywhere he goes, inside he sees HJ as someone that understand him and feels somehow better and secure by his side
-Thinking a lot in his future and it's kind scare because of it
-Favorite Class: Sport and Music

-The flirty and good looking student
-He always wears his tie loose and his shirt a little bit open
-He's in the sport club in the basketball team
-Doesn't play with girls, but always give pickup lines to them
-He's best friend with Yeosang, no one can understand how they're friends because they're really different from each other, one is wild and free and the other is reserved and calm, but they love each other very much
-It's in dance classes, decide to try them when, after his basketball practice, he found San outside of the building all sweaty and smiley, San convinced him to try them out and after the first one he didn't miss any
-Favorite Class: Gym

-The athlete, foodie and artistic student
-The student that makes 100000 things and you don't know when he has time to study or to make all those things
-He's in the football team and it's one of the strongest, so nobody mess with him
-Works in a cafe and gets scolded when he eats some of the food, but because he's such a cute and good worker the boss let it pass and let him keep some of the things that didn't sell when they close
-Takes singing lessons with Yunho and it's one of the favorite students
-Sleeps in some classes because of how tired he is, but loves to do all those things so he doesn't quit to any of them
-Favorite Class: Sports and Music

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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