The Hogwarts Express

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"Don't miss us too much, Ken." Lydia Berkeley says as she hugs her daughter tightly. "And don't forget to write every week." Kenna's father, Mark, adds as he joins the hug. Kenna smiles as she pulls away from her parents with her trolley at her side, her Little Owl called Boots whips his head around as to remind her of the time.
The train leaves in two minutes!
"Oh Merlin I'm going to be late!" Kenna says frantically and she kisses each of her parents on the cheek, "I'll write and count the days until Christmas!" She speaks and Lydia and Mark wave goodbye one last time before Kenna steps up to platform 9 3/4 and runs her trolley through the column.
Seeing the Hogwarts Express has never become any less exciting to Kenna.
The 7th years looking excited and nostalgic while the first years look both anxious and confused is one of her favorite juxtapositions.
Kenna hurries onto the large red and black train just in time to not be left behind; she doesn't want to end up like Ron and Harry their second year. "Kenny!" Her blonde head whips around at the sound of Hermione's voice and a huge grin spreads across her lips as she practically skips to her friend. The two hug briefly and Kenna is the first to speak, "I missed you." She says quietly and Hermione returns the greeting before they slip into the train cubby and Kenna is not surprised to see Ron and Harry sitting opposite eachother; vigorously discussing the World Cup and the aftermath.
"Declared your love to Viktor yet, Ron?"
Kenna asks playfully and Ron turns his head to look at Hermione.
"I wonder how Kenna knows that."
He says with a slight tone of embarrassment.
"Good to see you, Kenna."
Harry says from beside the girl as Ron and Hermione begin to argue over privacy and something about "manly crushes."
"You too, Potter." Kenna replies with a slight nudge to Harry's shoulder. Just then a very red cheeked Neville Longbottom passes by their window and he pauses for a moment and stares straight at Kenna. "Hello, Neville." Kenna says with a smile and a wave but the boy only blushes harder and scurries away like a bug that had just been swatted. "Oh bloody hell, Neville's gonna have a heart attack." Ron says and Kenna furrows her brows. "Why?" She asks with a laugh. "Because you spoke to him of course." Hermione says as if it was obvious.
"Did you see Kenna's hair today?"
"Oh I love her black head band."
"I wonder if she will want to study later."
Ron recites Neville's daily longings about the blonde girl sitting across from him. "Stop joking." Kenna replies. "It's the truth, he particularly likes it when your hair is braided in two, like today." Ron informs. Kenna plays with the end of one of her braids and laughs, "oh, he is sweet." She utters.
The friends begin to talk about the usual beginning of the year subjects like professors, classes and of course Hermione is already concerned about her end of the year OWLS. The train ride feels short but that might also be due to Kenna's excitements about arriving to Hogwarts again.
"I'll see you later." Kenna waves as Harry, Hermione and Ron begin towards the Gryffinor common room. "See you in class Kenna." Hermione replies while Harry and Ron wave to her and smile.
Kenna starts to walk up one of the many staircases and she can hardly wait to step foot in the Ravenclaw common room.
"Luna!" Kenna exclaims gleefully as she catches sight of her friends white head. Luna turns around and looks pleased but also slightly confused to see Kenna calling her name.
You see Kenna is very popular at Hogwarts while Luna is seen as odd and crazy by most, but Kenna has always liked Luna and thought she was more genius than weird or loony.
"Hello, Kenna." Luna says softly in her calm voice. Kenna immediately locks her arm with Lunas and continues to walk to the common room. "How was your summer Luna? You have to tell me all about it." Kenna declares and Luna smiles slightly, "it went very well, of course father and I spent a lot of time finding stories for the quibbler." Luna replies. "Oh yes, you must get me a copy Luna." Kenna suggests. Luna nods and they continue to discuss their vacations right to the door of the Ravenclaw common room.
The shining eagle head on the door handle asks a rather easy riddle about rats and quills that Kenna answers quickly. The doors to the room open and Luna and Kenna hurry inside, happy to be home. "It never gets old." Kenna proclaims as she looks at the vast expanse in front of her. The room is circular and has white walls accented with bronze detailing and blue furniture. But Kenna's favorite part of the common room is the midnight blue carpet that is dotted with night stars, the wonderful image is projected onto the ceiling and is breath taking at night with the landscape of all the long windows on the domed walls.
Kenna is brought out of her imagination by the panic stricken voice of Professor McGonagall.
"Miss. Berkeley you must come with me." The stern woman says but her tone is not mean or angry. There is certain sadness in McGonagall's voice that makes Kenna's stomach turn.
Has something happened?
Little did Kenna know, her parents never made it home safe after leaving the train station and that goodbye was actually her last.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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