Chapter 8: No More Pain

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Ranjana Kalita lived in a normal family, or so she thought, in Guwahati. She never knew how crooked it was until she was older and met, Kabyashree, her only friend's parents. Unlike hers they cared about her, they let her breathe in life not judging her at every step.

Ranjana's father, Ridip Kalita, a dentist by profession made sure that he never let her taste any chocolate or candies and if he caught her ever with any such "teeth rotteners" then punishments awaits. Her mother, Aarti Kalita, was a housewife or a home-maker as it is termed now. Ranjana always imagined her as this mute robot whose job is to do household chores and never bring forward her opinions to the table.

Her father was a complete authoritarian. He had rules around the house for himself and his family. He always woke up at 4 A.M. sharp. Never late. He was generous towards his family as he set their "Wake-up" time at 6 A.M. He needed his breakfast till 7:30 A.M. At 8 A.M. he drove his daughter to her "all-girls" school and then reached his clinic before 8:30 A.M. He asked his staff to show up before 9 A.M. failing which would lead to a stern written warning for the first time and being late the second time leads to termination of employment. He did not believe in talking sweet or being "nice" to his patients but he was damn good at what he did and so the clinic used to have a long queue of patients. At 2 in the afternoon he drove to the school and picked up his daughter. He would have his lunch at home as he never ate or allowed his family to eat at random restaurants or joints. He then drove back to reach his clinic before 3 P.M. and came back home after 7 P.M.

Ranjana was never allowed to go out with her friends, never allowed for sleepovers, she was never allowed to join any extra tuition classes or participate in any kind of extra-curricular activities. She was never allowed to touch the telephone. Ranjana loved reading books, she loved visiting the school library. Her father did not approve of her reading books that were not included in her academic syllabus. He was against his daughter ever watching movies, especially English movies that shows intimacy between men and women so unapologetically, and also despised the new age music. These kind of books, movies and music makes women go loose, forget the decency they must hold to keep their family's image squeaky clean he used to say. Breaking any of these rules were followed by rigorous punishments. Her father used to beat her with anything that he could reach, belt, wooden sticks, sandals, anything. She was called 'dirty' over and over again, her mind was dirty, she is going to be immoral and a dirty woman. And if that was not enough she was shoved out of the house at night and made her sit whole night outside her front door.

It was weird for Ranjana when she saw her mother sleep alone in a small bed sometimes and a maid brought in to cook their meals which was discontinued as soon as she was tought cooking by her mother and that learning was not optional in the house for her. Her mother would sit inside that dark and petite room, the food was taken to her and placed outside her room's door. The only time she was allowed outside was when she had to use the bathroom, which she did in a thief like manner. When Ranjana stepped into her teenage and had her periods, only then she understood the rules that her father set for the women in those days of the month.

When Ranjana enrolled in yet another "all-girls" college she was excited. There was a sense of freedom, at least for the time she was at the college, no one kept an eye on her, she could just sit in the lectures or not, it was her decision. That made her feel giddy. One day Kabyashree asked her to go with her to meet someone at the market place. Ranjana started to say no, that her father would not allow it, but then she was in college, her father would not know if she went anywhere else if she just came back before he came to pick her up.

'Don't worry, we will come back before your dad shows up', Kabya said like she knew what Ranjana was thinking about.

Kabyashree and Ranjana went to the market place that day made Ranjana feel like she was on an adventure. She was scared but excited. They waited in front of a movie theatre. A while later two young men came towards them and Ranjana saw Kabyashree burst into excitement. She introduced the taller, thinner, darker guy as Krishna and the other chubby guy who wore glasses and was evidently quite awkward being there as Parth.

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