Wanna Hank Out?

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"Stop the dance!" exclaimed Angela as she waddled over to the DJ Booth and grabbed the microphone. Her mascara was smeared and strawberry ice cream trickled down her face. "There's a boyfriend stealer among us! And her name is..."

"Becca Sparkles!"

Loud gasps filled the room and everyone's eyes were now on the genuinely puzzled Becca. "Uh, what are you talking about? I wasn't stealing your boyfriend!" she said. 

"I saw the whispering, the giggling, the cute boots!" Angela told her accusingly as she gripped the microphone. Becca walked over to Angela with her hand on her hip, looking at her as if she had no idea what she was talking about. "Admit it, you've been trying to get close to your secret crush!" Becca was taken aback and sighed. Might as well confess now. 

"You're right." she replied, looking away. Angela, despite herself, widened her eyes in surprise. She suspected it, but hearing it straight from her mouth was still quite shocking. "I did wanna get close to my secret crush," Becca began as she bit her thumb and walked away from Angela a little bit. "I didn't realize that was a crime--!"

"Heyyyyy, I am sorry about this," Tom popped in, trying to ease the situation. Angela lowered her eyelids in slight aggravation while Becca looked at him in confusion. "I AM hard to resist, but--" Becca shook her head and pushed him away softly. "It's not you Tom..."

"It's Hank."

Hank who had been watching them intently like it was one of his favorite soap operas with a smile on his face, tried to process what she just said. "Hank Hankerston? The guy who owns the hardware store?" he asked, pointing his thumb behind him. 

"No, you!" Becca exclaimed, slamming the table. Hank let out a little gasp. "I've had a crush on you ever since we first met!" she blurted out. She began to recall all the little efforts she did to get closer to him. 

"I set up the DJ Booth and filled the playlist with TV theme songs, your favorite kind of music,"

"Carved a romantic heart, but Tom kept getting in the way as I was trying to get your attention,"

"I even tried to get Tom alone so I could ask him if you had a girlfriend but then you showed up!"

"Soooo when you told me you were hanging out with Hank..." Angela began. "That's what I was doing." Becca answered. "Oh."

"Now you know, Hank..." Becca swooned flirtatiously, putting her hands behind her back shyly. She smiled at a panicked-looking Hank. "Maybe we could Hank out sometime?" she asked. "Uhhhh--" Hank stuttered, his mind a mess. Did she really say what he thought she said? Flustered, he looks around swiftly. "I have to go to the hardware store!" he dashed out, leaving his headset behind. 


The dance didn't turn out as they had expected, but it was still great. Tom and Angela were dancing, Ben and Xenon were dancing, Ginger was playing hockey with the Flamingos, now all that's left is Becca, scanning the room and Hank, hiding under a blanket upstairs. Becca still wanted a direct answer from Hank and didn't want things to be awkward between them. So she decided that she wanted to talk it out.

Hank however, was new to this kind of thing. He didn't know anything about romance! This was all so scary. Someone actually liked him? He still had a hard time believing that. He never knew there would be someone out there who actually liked-like him. It's a weird feeling. Hearing Becca confess with that giggly voice of hers and her sweet eyes made his heart all jumpy and weird! Was he having a heart attack? 

Becca then spotted a blur of blue on the second floor and smiled to herself, making her way up the staircase. She saw him crouching down on the floor, covered in a blanket, presumably to hide himself. "Hey there." Becca greeted him.

Hank lets out a little squeak and clumsily tries to go to his room, but Becca had slammed the door shut. "Nuh-uh! We are going to talk about this, you can't just run away!" she remarked. "I can and I will!" Hank puffed as he also tries to go down the stairs, but to no avail. Becca had blocked him. "No no no, please let me go, I don't know what I'm supposed to do around you now that I know you like me! BEN! TOM!" he yelled. 

Becca sighed. "Look Hank, just because I like you, doesn't mean you have to get all tongue-tied and awkward around me," she said. "We can still be friends and you don't have to treat me differently."

"B-but I can't help it! Now I'm thinking of you differently!" Hank stammered. 

"Why don't you sit down and we'll talk about it?" Becca asks him as she squats down on the floor, patting the empty space beside her. Hank obliged.

"I don't want it to be weird or anything," Becca explained. "I just think you're cute and I would like to get to know you better."

Hank blushed as he jerked his face away from her. She thought he was...cute?! What did she mean by that?! And why did his stomach suddenly feel like butterflies are flying around inside it?! "Why do you like ME?" he asked, rubbing his arm. "I'm not that special."

Becca giggled. "Maybe not to others." she said. "But I think you're really sweet...and cool...and dorky. And that's what makes you special."

"That's why you like me?" Hank inquired, blushing even more now.

"No, those are just a few of the things that make you special." Becca said, tracing a heart on the floor. "I like you because you're you."

"But I'm me!" Hank extended his arms. "You know--" He gestures to himself. Becca smiles. "Exactly, Hank." she told him. Hank stares at her, dumbfounded.

"I like you just the way you are. A TV-loving, laid-back, dorky guy." Becca mused dreamily. "It's not bad, Hank. Not bad at all."

Flashbacks to the moment he was hiding from Becca behind a shard of ice began to play in his head. She was looking everywhere for him and when she spotted him, gave him a little flirty wave which made his heart go boom. 


"By the way, you still haven't answered my question!"


"Do you wanna Hank out? You know, on a date?"

Hank's mind went blank as he tried to fumble through his words. He made weird gestures, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Err, um...uhh, no--I can't--err..." Becca sighed and gets up to leave. "I guess not. It's okay if you don't feel the same way." Something about the disappointment in her voice tugged at Hank's heartstrings and now he was reaching for her hand. "Wait."

"Yeah...I would go like to..on Hank-out...date." he mutters. "Are you sure? I know you don't feel the same--"

"I never said that." Hank interrupted. Now where would he even take her out on a date to?! On TV they usually went to...aha! "L-let's meet at that super fancy restaurant across town! I think it was an Italian restaurant...let's say 7?" 

Becca grinned and chuckled. "Okay! It's a date!"

Hank sighed in relief and let go of her hand. "Well, I best be going then, I still have some plans." Becca said, playing with her ears. "Good night, Hank. I'm glad we got to talk.

The way she glowed before him was truly breathtaking. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was captivating. The cold winter breeze only made that moment more surreal. "Good night, Becca." 


His eyes shot open wide. It had only been a split second, but Becca's lips were on his cheek. The giddy little bunny then proceeded to giggle and exit graciously out the door. Not before giving Hank one last smile. Hank's hand moved up to the spot where he had been pecked and couldn't move. His face was as red as a cherry and he couldn't speak. The sensation was...tingly. It made his heart jumpy and his stomach feel with butterflies again! But more extreme this time!

What had he gotten himself into?!

Wanna Hank Out? (Talking Tom and Friends: Becca x Hank)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu