The Do-Over Part 1

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"I'd ask how your date went, but I guess I already know." 

Hank fidgeted with his hands. "Yeah, the night took a weird turn..." he began, nervously. "Becca, would you like to have a real, do-over date?"

Becca's eyes widened in glee and surprise. "I'd love that!" she gushed. "Only, let's do it as just friends." Tom and the others tensed up in their seats at that. They gave them looks of sympathy and suspense. "Something tells me you're not really ready for romance..."


"Thank you, Becca!" Hank sighed in relief. The others looked at them in confusion. "Thank you so much, you're right! I'm so happy I could--"


"Ugh! I'm trying to eat here!" Ginger complained, getting off his seat. Hank proceeded to gobble up his food. "You people disgust me! DISGUSTING!"


"So, where are you taking Becca this time, Hank?" Ben asked as Hank prepared a basket for his do-over date with Becca. "Oh, the same places we went last time." he replied, patting the basket he carried. "With one extra new place!"

"Don't you think that's a bit...redundant?" Ben inquired. Tom nodded in agreement. "Well, we weren't able to actually enjoy it last time. I feel bad about that and I wanna make it up to Becca for goofing it all up." Hank said. 

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Angela piped in, cupping her face in her hands. "Well of course! That's what friends do." replied Hank, nonchalantly. 

Everyone in the room eyed each other knowingly. "Are you really okay with going on a date as 'just friends'?" Tom asked him. "Yeah! Like I said, I don't know anything about romance." he told him, taking a sip of water. 

"Soooo, where IS this extra new place?" Angela asked, tracing the rim of her cup. Hank chuckled. "I can't tell you. It's a surprise."

"A surprise? I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty romantic to me~" Tom remarked, wiggling his eyebrows. Hank choked and spat out water at Ben's face. "Eugh! Hank!" Ben complained, dripping wet. 

"R-r-romantic? That's ridiculous, we're just going as friends! Friends spend time together!" He fussed, pointing his spoon at Tom. "Woah, chill out buddy, I was just teasing." Tom put his hands in the air motioning him to calm down. He chuckled. Hank lowered his spoon and flushed in embarrassment. 

"Hank, I just want you to know that we're proud of you." Angela said, comforting him. "You stepped out of your comfort zone and even though it didn't go as planned, you still have the courage to try again! But in a different manner."

"Yeah, Hank! Even if you are going as just friends, we'll support you." Tom added. 

"Aw, thanks guys." Hank puffed. Going on a date as friends sounded a lot better than going romantically. No pressure, just two friends on a date. Hey, didn't something similar happen between Tom and Angela? 

"If you guys are going to keep talking about dates, I'm going to barf." Ginger gagged. 


Hank stood outside the restaurant he and Becca had been before. Only this time, they came as friends with no romantic tension and he actually managed to make a reservation. Here it goes. Hank walked into the restaurant casually and made his way to the waitress. 

"Hey, I know you!" the waitress exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You're that guy who stole Tony Macaroni's table! If you're here to cause trouble again, I'm gonna have to kick you out."

"Oh no need for that, miss." Hank replied. "I'm here for a do-over date with my friend." The waitress gasped. "Oh, the girl from last time?" Poor guy, must've been left in the friend zone when she found out what a wimp he was. She thought. "You DO have a reservation this time, don't you?" Hank nodded. "Reservation for Hank Hank." 

The woman raised her eyebrows as she scanned her clipboard. She was surprised as she saw his name. "Here it is. Right this way, sir."

The woman showed him to his table and gave him two menus. Just as Hank sat down, the door opened and in came Becca, looking a bit nervous. "Hiya Becca!" Hank greeted her. "Hey, Hank. Um, just to be sure, you DID make a reservation, right?" she asked him, fumbling with her hands.

"Don't worry, I did." he replied, making Becca sigh in relief. She just had to check, to make sure they didn't get into any trouble. She sat down. "I didn't think we'd go to the same place again." said Becca. "But I get it, since we weren't able to enjoy this last time."

"Good evening, sir and madam," a waiter piped in, with a pen and pad. "May I take your order?" Hank and Becca both ordered spaghetti and juice. The waiter then told them to wait for 5-10 minutes.

"It's nice to do hang out with you again, Hank. Just the two of us." Becca said, smiling. "Yeah, it's always nice to hang out with friends." Hank said, smiling back at her. "I still gotta thank you for letting us come here as just friends. I'm not exactly the romantic type, as you have seen." 

Becca giggled as she took a sip from her glass. "It's alright, I understand that you're not ready for that yet." 

Hank and Becca started chatting, laughing and sharing their thoughts. Unlike the first date, Hank wasn't as nervous or clumsy. In fact, he didn't looked like he was worried at all. He was at ease knowing that Becca and him weren't here as romantic partners, but as friends. 

"Here's your order." the waiter came with a plate of spaghetti and a pitcher of juice. "Bon appetit." Hank licked his lips, while Becca reached for her fork. 

"This looks good." Becca commented. Hank grabbed a fork and forked a handful from the main plate, not bothering to put it on his own. Becca rolled her eyes playfully as she got her own batch of spaghetti. Classic Hank. They continued to eat their pasta as they resumed their conversation. 

After a few minutes, Becca had finished the spaghetti on her plate. Hank looked at the clock, realizing that an hour and a half had already passed. "Whew, let's just finish up the remaining pasta and we'll be good to go." Hank puffed, reaching for a bite. "I bet I can finish it all before you do!" Becca challenged him. Hank smirked and placed the fork on pasta. "Bring it on!"

Becca had abandoned her plate and started gobbling up the spaghetti from the main dish. They laughed as the sauce stained their mouths and a part of their clothes. Friendship goals! 

They both stared at each other giggling as their pasta eating contest was coming to an end. They squinted their eyes and let their last string of spaghetti guide them to its end point. Then they noticed that their faces were getting closer--

They paused.

People in the restaurant looked at them in suspense and in awe, one of them even took a picture. Hank and Becca looked at each other, realizing that their lips were dangerously close because of their spaghetti string. They both pulled away, blushing furiously. Loud disappointed "aww's" came from the other customers as they did so, going back to their own personal business. 

"Oh my gosh, Becca I'm so sorry about that! I didn't mean to, I promise!" Hank explained, furrowing his eyebrows. Becca was still blushing furiously. "I-it's okay. It was an accident." Becca said. "I'm gonna goof it all up again! I was bad at romance but now I'm bad at this too." whined Hank. "It's really no biggie, besides we didn't actually kiss." Wait, was it just Hank, or did Becca sound a bit disappointed?

Hank shook it off and smiled. She was right, it's really no biggie. "Yeah, thanks Becca. Anyways, why don't we proceed to the rest of the date?" Hank extended his hand. "I'd love to!" Becca delighted. 

Hank paid the bill, despite Becca's protests, insisting that it was his treat. Becca obliged. They went out the door as Hank grabbed his hand and they ran towards the carnival. A cab would've been convenient, but Becca decided that she wouldn't complain. It was different from when they were running away from the restaurant. It was more...


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