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Hank returned to the garage a hot mess. His face was still red and he was barely holding the picnic basket. He staggered as he made his way to the front door, still unable to regain his composure. He swings the door open, causing Tom and Ben to look up from their work. 

"Hey buddy! How'd your friend date go?" Tom asked him, leaving the desk.

"I'm her boyfriend now."

"Hahaha--wait..." Tom gasped. "WHAT?!"

"WHAT?!" Ben exclaimed, breaking his invention from shock.

"WHAT?!" Ginger gagged. "Gross! Hank you've become a dater!"

"That's amazing, Hank!" Tom congratulated him. "Yeah, what a surprise." Ben stated, trying to fix his invention.

"I kissed her again." Hank blurted out monotonously. "But it was different. It felt different. I put my mouth on...her mouth." The scene then once again began to play in his head. The feel of her arms around him, her beautiful green eyes, the way she laughed...His face started burning up again. "Ummm, Hank?" Tom muttered. "Snap out of it, pal."

"She's awesome." Hank swooned, as he fell backwards with little hearts swirling around his head. "Wow, he's got it bad." Tom commented. Ginger took a picture of the couch potato, sprawled across the floor, whose eyes were the shape of a heart.

"Haha, dating really is so weird."


Hank woke up to the sun shining on his face. He noticed that he was in his hammock, one of the guys must've put him there when he passed out. The blue dog felt a bit more refreshed now that he got to sleep. The events of his date night were beautiful, and he felt so giddy just thinking about it.

They were really official. Becca and him. He had never been in a relationship before. He's been in so many new situations he's never been in. From what he knew about relationships, besides going on dates, you cuddle, you give gifts, you call each other often, you hug...and you kiss. 

He licked his lips.

"Good morning, Hank." Tom greeted him. "You feeling better?"

"Actually, I feel great." Hank admitted. "Which is really strange." 

"Come on, we'll talk about it over some breakfast." Tom suggested as they stood up and went downstairs. 

As usual, Ben was working on his computer. Tom and him have been working on a new app. The smell of pancakes filled the air, making Hank's stomach grumble. He went over to their table and helped himself. "So Hank," Tom began. "This is a really huge step forward for you. I mean, you've never really cared much about anything other than the TV, your friends, sleeping, the TV, potato chips, the TV..."

"Yup, I still can't believe I actually have a girlfriend." Hank said, putting a hand on his forehead. "I also still can't believe that my girlfriend is none other than the most beautiful, funniest, kindest girl that I have ever met. Man, am I lucky!"

"Hey Tom," Ben called out. "Do you think we should add a sparkle feature to the app?"

"Sure! Sparkles always make everything look better." Tom replied, taking a bite from his plate of pancakes.

Hank sighed. "Sparkles~" He began to daydream and lost himself in his own world. Tom and Ben looked at one another quizzically and began to chuckle. Becca had really made an impact on him. "Hey buddy? You might wanna close your mouth if you don't want your pancakes to be covered in drool." Tom snickered.

Hank snapped out of his trance and clumsily sucked his saliva back into his mouth. 

The front door burst open and in came Ginger with a toy sword and a green shield. "Hey Hank!" Ginger said. "Let's play knights and trolls! I'll be the knight, and you'll be the troll. I got my awesome sword and emerald shield right here."

Wanna Hank Out? (Talking Tom and Friends: Becca x Hank)Where stories live. Discover now