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  • Dedicado a Exclamation Point Band

         “Who the fuck ate the last bit of Nutella?” Paul Zimmer glared accusingly at his dear friend and colleague, Danny Edge.

         “Dude, it wasn’t me,” Danny said as he quickly smeared his Nutella coated hand across the leather couch cushion he was seated upon.

         “Danny, it was you! It’s always you,” Paul insisted. “The fans send the Nutella to us, and you always are the one that eats it.”

         “Oh yeah, the fans are so great...” Danny smiled to himself, folding his hands against the back of his head. “I love the fans.”

         “You’re right, the fans are- wait! Stop trying to change to the goddamn subject,” Paul snapped. “If I were to tell the fans that you do that, they’d agree with me.”

         “Why don’t you tell the fans, then?” Danny smirked. He didn’t think Paul would actually accept his challenge, so he was a bit surprised when Paul pulled out his tripod.

         “They’ll totally side with me, man,” Paul began setting up the tripod. He checked out his hair in the mirror, combing it to the side with his fingers several times before he was satisfied. His hair was glossy, and perfectly framed his strong jawline. As a final but necessary touch, he pulled his orange Hollister shirt over his head and tossed it at Danny.

         His abs were beautiful, and shone in the iridescent glow of the overhead light. Over the course of two years, Paul had become more and more dedicated to his muscles, and had grown himself quite the six pack. Even Danny couldn’t resist stealing a somewhat jealous glance at his friend’s gorgeous body.

         “I still don’t get why you feel the need to take your fucking shirt off whenever you do a video,” Danny rolled his eyes and proceeded to lick the remaining Nutella from under his nail bed.

         “It’s for the fans,” Paul shrugged and flexed in front of the camera. “They like it.”

         After Paul finished setting up the video camera and styling his glorious appearance, he glanced to Danny.  Danny was still seated on the couch and made no sign of moving any time soon.

         “Dude, why are you staring at me?  Stop it.  It’s creepy.”  Paul still unconsciously flexed his pecks even though he wanted to prevent Danny’s wandering eyes to peek at anything else.

         Danny shook his head to knock himself out of his stupor.  “Sorry, I just can’t believe you’re actually making a video.  You can’t even prove I ate the Nutella.”

         “I didn’t eat it, and it’s gone.  No more proof is needed.  Are you even going to be in this video?”

         “No,” Danny replied sternly.  Why would he want to be in a video portraying him as some sort of Nutella Fiend?

         Paul shrugged his sculpted shoulders and pressed record on the camera. He flipped his hair to the side with a quick jerk of his neck and began to speak.

         “Hey guys, its Paul Zimmer,” he gave his usual greeting with what he hoped was a flattering smile. “Alright, so Danny ate all of the Nutella you all sent in. Don’t you think he should’ve let me have some before he f*cking gobbled it all down?”

         ”Not true!” Danny called from his vantage point on the sofa, unseen by the camera.

         “Nah, he was feeding on my share of the Nutella like some sort of fetus,” Paul cast a sidelong glare at Danny.

         “Dude, a fetus is a baby,” Danny laughed. “Are you calling me a baby?”

         “You said you weren’t gonna be in the video. So why do you keep talking?” Paul’s eyebrow twitched. “The f*ck, man.”

         Danny didn’t comment, so Paul decided to continue with his plea to the fans. He had barely opened his mouth to continue speaking when an object flew across the room and struck Paul right in the back of the head. He stumbled, shocked, before cursing loudly and spinning around to face Danny.

         “What the hell was that?” Paul rubbed the back of his skull. “Not cool, dude!”

         “It was just a jar of Nutella,” Danny chuckled. “It didn’t even have anything in it. Chill the fuck out.”

         “Yeah, well it hurt, Danny!” Paul clenched his fists. “You can’t just go around throwing things at people for no reason.”

         “You throw stuff at me while I’m filming all the time. It’s not that big of a deal.”

         “But when you did it just then, it was malicious!”

         “Oh shuddup, you sound like such a little bitch right now.”

         “It was really uncalled for, man!”

         For a few minutes, there was absolute silence between the two. Danny’s sky blue eyes burned into Paul’s gray-green ones, and each of them set their jaws and refused to speak.

         After several minutes of this, Paul grumbled something about going to fetch ice for his wound, leaving Danny alone with nothing but six empty jars of Nutella.


Plain SightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora