Chapter 6

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I felt so stupid crying in front of andy again , the dream just seemed so real , almost to real infact , and when i woke up , i couldnt help it.When i woke up i felt alot better . Andy was stood there offering me his hand , i took it and then we walked out of the house. Andy put a blindfold on me so i didnt know where i was going all of a sudden we came to a hault , andy took my blindfold off and said "Welcome to your new home" i was confused , "what do you mean , new home?" i asked . "Lets go get something to eat and ill explain" he said . we arrived at Deli2go! in about 5 mins. we walked in and sat down , a waiter came over with some tortilla chips , placed them on the table and took out her notepad , i orderd a bacon wrap and andy orderd tacos . she was wearing far to much makeup for such a low class place . she kept smiling at andy , she obviously fancied him which to be fair i can understand. While we were waiting for our food andy started to explain." Well , i asked my mom if you could come live with us because you can hardly go live back with your dad can you? especially with your ribs and stuff , you need to recover and you wont fully recover if you live with your dad , he will make it worse , plus we had a spare room so it made sense, when i asked my mom she said she was going to do something with the spare room , turns out she has adopted this 15 year old boy jake , hes been living with an abusive family so my moms saving him . He wears the same clothes as us , wears makeup and listens to the same music as us , plus he plays guitar . Anyway , my mom said you can still stay with us , but you will just have to share my room." , i sat there in utter shock trying to get my head around what he just said , "So what do you say?" he asked me . i looked up from the pile of salt i had made , "Andy , i , i dont know what to say?:@!"   ..... "How about yes?!" he said. i leaned forwards and kissed andy on the lips , "I say , yes , thank you so much andy i dont know how i could possibly thank you."


He said yes!! , im so excited , the guy i love is moving in with me and if going to be free from harm. im so glad , it means ill be able to look after him and see alot more of him without his dad stopping him. Only problem is how are we going to get his stuff from his dads , his dad hates me , and if ashley goes in , his dad will probably try and stop it , i had a few ideas but they wernt the best and we could get in serious trouble for it.I decided i should talk to ashley about it . We were waiting for desert to come so i decided now was the time to ask him. "Hey ash?" ,"Yeah?" he replied . "Well ive been thinking , if your moving in to mine your gonna need to get your stuff , but the problem is , your dad hates me so i cant get it for you and if you and get it he might stop you so what should we do?" he sat there pondering for a few seconds. "Well , my room is at the back of the house and ever scince i was 10 ive had a ladder that goes up to my room , my dad goes to the pub at 7pm so i could wait till 7 and then go round the back , crawl up and get my stuff and just chuck it down to you , then ill climb back down n then done!" he said with a smile . i went over the plan in my head , "wait! if your dad goes out at 7 why dont you just use your key and go the easy way in?" "One because climbing up a ladder to enter a building is way more exciting than using a door and two it will improve my strenghth and 3 , incase you have forgotton i have cctv cameras on the front , so its going to look a litle strange us just walking in the house empty handed and walking out of the house with several bags of junk"  "Never thought about that , guess it would look a bit strange , lets just stick with the fence and ladder way " i said and laughed.


After what seemed forever , we had finished eating and the waiter came back to our table with our bill . Along with the bill she had a peice of paper that she slipped over to andy , she smilled at him , whisperd something in his ear and then walked off with the money we had given her. Andy looked at it and started laughing his head off. He showed me the peice of paper , it read , Meet me round the back in 5 , heres my number , can i have yours?. He picked up a pen and started writing something on the back , at first i thought he was actually writing his number but then i read what it said .  0121 go fucking do one you slut! , for your imfo , im gay and have a partner , btw just a tip , lay of the makeup yeah? your so fake even barbie is jelous. I started laughing my head off , we walked round to the back of the building sure enough to see the girl stood there , she looked up and smiled , andy walked up to her and handed her the paper and then walked back to me with a grin on his face , he took my hand in his and we walked away , it was 5:50 , so we headed back to my house . we waited on the corner for my dad to leave , when he did we walked round to the back ally , hoped over the fence (with great difficulty and pain) , and sure enough my bedroom window was open , i climbed up the ladder and climbed in.

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