Chapter 1: First Meet

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My best friend and I were walking home because we had just got off work. As we walked I felt eyes staring at us. I looked around to see nothing around but the setting sun. You may ask why don't i just fly well that's because (b/f/n) can't and it's hard for me to fly with carrying someone. Plus they like walking so I walk with them but today was different because I felt eyes on us. I decided to ignore it and just keep walking when something grabbed us. I pushed them off of us and flew with her. When we were up in the air when we bumped into something because I was making sure (b/f/n) was ok and not hurt. We started to fall but I flew back up making sure (b/f/n) was ok, I completely forgot about what we had bumped into I looked up to see the #2 hero in front of us and he asked "Are you guys alright?"

I looked at him and said "Yes, thank you." (b/f/n) looked at me and I looked down and they said "Hey I'm down here too" they laughed and I giggled. Hawks was confused because he didn't see them. I looked at him and he looked at me with a confused look on his face. He then got out of it and asked "What are you guys doing?"

(b/f/n) and I looked at each other and sighed. We told him to land and we all did. We explained what had happened and what we were doing. He was shocked and said that he could escort us home. We said yes and he followed us to our houses. We told him our names and we dropped off (b/f/n) at their house a little while later. We flew to a tall building and we sat there for a little and watched the sun go down. We then got to my house and I invited him in. We talked for a little while and then i asked him to stay the night because it was late. He said yes.

The Next Day

"Good morning" He said as he stretched out his wings and the rest of his body.

"Good morning" I said back as i was already up and was watching TV.

I got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast and get some coffee. I walked back to him and gave him the coffee. He said thank you and grabbed it from me gently. I went back to the kitchen to continue to make breakfast. A few minutes later and I finished breakfast and told hawks to come in the dining room. He sat down and I gave him the plate. After we ate he had to leave so he got up and walked to the door and said bye. He also gave me his number and his business card. He also gave me a feather of his just in case I got taken.  After he left I got dressed and left to go and see(b/f/n).

Srry it short i will make the next part longer 😅😅  hope you enjoyed 😁😁

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