chapter two

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"does anyone know what happens is you use the spell wingardium leviosa?" professor flitwick asked the class. of course i knew the answer, but i just didn't want to look like a know-it-all. apparently the mudblood granger had other plans. her hand shot up, and without even waiting to be called on, she began to talk.

"wingardium leviosa is a spell used to levitate a certain item sir."

me and theo looked at each other and rolled our eyes. granger was such a know it all. it really got annoying. 

theo and draco were my best mates. besides blaise, of course. theo, or theodore nott, had dark brown hair, always styled so he looked very classy. he had dark chestnut eyes that matched his hair. theo was very easy to get along with, and an awesome person. unless you messed with his family of course.

blaise was the serious one of the group. very focused and payed attention in school more than the rest of them.  but draco was probably my favorite. he was like my protector, always ready to beat up anyone who dared send a ook her way. him, theo, and i were always getting into trouble, because we loved to goof off and cause mischief. sadly for blaise, he was the one always having to get us out of that trouble.                                                                                                                                                             

my thoughts were interrupted by theo, who was waving a hand in front of her face.

"come on b, class just ended and we cant be late again or pansy will steal our seats to sit next to draco just like last time."

i nodded and stood up, walking with theo towards the great hall. as they passed potter,him and his two sidekicks glared at them. then weasley stuck out his tongue and said

"you gits better walk back over to your terrible dirt house made just for spoilt little prats just like you two."

theo and i just glared right back, and continued in our walk. ever since i had been sorted into slytherin, potter and his crew had been nothing but rubbish towards me. from calling me names like disgusting pureblood, to shoving me in the halls whenever i was alone. by now i had learned to just call names and push back. i was above those scum, and would not be treated that way!

me and theo reached the great hall, me sitting next to draco and theo sitting next to blaise.

"why do you look so glum, bry?" draco asked concerned.(he was the only one that called me bry, and i was the only one that called him dray)

i just shook my head. draco turned towards theo. 

"what happened"

theo glanced at me, then back at his plate.

"just something about our house being weird is all" he mumbled, not wanting to make draco mad.

a fourth year, calvin earthingtone piped in.

"actually, i was there when it happened and heard exactly what weasle said to them. he said, and i quote: you gits better walk back over to your terrible dirt house made just for spoilt little prats just like you two" 

draco looked at me.

"is this true?"

i could practically feel the anger radiating off of him.

"well, yes. But dray please let it be! they didn't physically hurt us, and were fine, just a little upset, see" i smiled.

theo smiled as well. "yea mate, no need to make a big deal out of it this time, were fine"

draco seemed unsure, but didn't make a move to cause a scene. i then turned to blaise and we started talking about who we thought would be on the quidditch team this year. i loved watching it, but i wasn't really into sports. we soon finished lunch and headed towards our next class, in which we were learning how to fly a broomstick today. i was really dreading it though. every time i got on a broom, i would somehow either embarrass myself, or get hurt. 

when we got to the quidditch pitch we saw that instead of the ravenclaws, who usually shared this class with us, were the gryffindorks. apparently dumbledore thought that it was perfectly fine for us purebloods to associate ourselves with mudbloods and blood traitors. and of course, potter, weasley and granger were there. i was about to had over and tease them when the idiot longbottom fell off his broom and broke his wrist. i turned to draco, and say that he had picked up longbottom's remembrall. i sniggered amd tried to hide my smile. potter saw this, and headed over to us.

"give it here, malfoy." he held out his hand but draco just kept tossing it in the air. 

"no, i think ill keep it." and with that he jumped on his broom and sped away, potter right on his tail.

"draco don't!" i yelled, trying to get him back. he was surely going to get n trouble now. madame hooch had specifically told us not to mount our brooms while she was gone. i huffed, and sat down on the grass, blaise following my lead. theo had decided to skip class today. up in the air i saw draco and potter exchange some words, then draco tossed the remembrall into the air. surprisingly, and much to my dismay potter caught it. draco then flew back down to us(finally). potter flew back as well, everyone cheering for him. draco sat down next to me and blaise and was about to say something when mcgonagle stepped onto the pitch. 

"harry potter, come with me."

harry gulped, and followed. he was sure to get in trouble now.

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