twenty six

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kat harris can't make up her mind

Kat Harris stood with her mother, Viola, in the middle of their dining room. Her mother stared over at her carefully, as she never paid too much attention to her daughter all that much anymore, but these were trying times, and her daughter was really struggling to cope with all the newfound information, which seemed to resonate with her, deeply.

When her father was a death eater, Kat hadn't been born yet, and once she was, she was only about one, by the time Voldemort had fallen. Her father struggled adjusting to society post-voldemort, and eventually, took his own life from the feeling of embarrassment of losing the one thing he stood for. He had no hope for his future, but felt no remorse for hers.

As Kat grew up around him, she witnessed the decline in his mental state, but as a child, how could you possibly comprehend the obscurity of what he had done prior to you being born? She first found out about his secret past, when she overheard a conversation at just 9 years old. Her father was speaking with someone over a landline telephone, talking in words Kat couldn't quite comprehend for such a young age. Almost as if he were speaking in a coded language of sorts. But if she were to hear the conversation he had now, she would have known that he was speaking with a fellow death eater.

She still couldn't understand how a father could take his own life all because of something that happened 10 or so years before. All she knew, was her family was a cold, empty shell of a home, before and after him.

Her mother stared blankly at her, as she had just finished telling her of what she knew from Hogwarts. That being that:

a. Death eaters infiltrated the school
b. Said death eaters killed Albus Dumbledore
c. Voldemort was alive and well
d. There was a new war approaching

Her mother had no expression upon her cold, hardened face, and Kat wasn't able to tell what she was thinking. Even though her mother never was a death eater herself, she still supported Voldemort, as she supported her husband. So this made for a very interesting scenario. A part of Kat knew she probably shouldn't have mentioned anything to her mother, but the other part of her longed for her mothers love and approval, so she was conflicted, at best. "Mama?" She asked, as her mother looked the other way, beginning to pace the floor. Kat could see that her mother was thinking hard, and this was a little worrisome, but whatever it was, she wanted to know.

"Grab your things." Her mother finally demanded of her, as she rushed over to the front closet, retrieving her coat.

"Why?" Kat asked her, but in return, receiving no answer. "Where are we going?" She asked once again, more specifically. Viola threw her coat on over her slender shoulders and pulled her thick dark hair into a tight bun.

"We have some people to see." She finally said, causing a slight panic within Kat's entire body. Her mother stared over at her, insinuating that she get her coat as well, as they needed to leave together. Kat walked over to the closet, staring at the coats ahead of her, noticing her father's were still perfectly hung and untouched for years.

She grabbed one of the black jackets of his, pulling it over her shoulders, and looking down, noticing it hung a little low, but her legs were long, and it fit somewhat perfectly on her slender, tall body. She threw her hair over her shoulders and followed her mothers lead onto the front porch, where her mother grasped her hand, and they disapparated suddenly.

When Kat opened her eyes, she looked to see an enormous house, in which she hadn't recognized before. It was the total opposite of how her family lived, as she lived in a small ranch house with only just enough rooms for her and her mother.

The two began to walk up the long pathway, which led to a tall staircase, leading to the front doors. Her heart was racing as she watched as Viola reached up slowly and lifted the door knocker a couple of times, causing the echo of the bangs, ring in her ears.

She had no idea where she was, or what her mother was up to, and she contemplated if she should just turn around, and leave. But she'd be found. Her mother always had a way to find her. Suddenly, the doors slowly opened and a house elf let them in, closing the door behind them. A face before her, appeared and she suddenly realized where her mother brought her.

"Viola." The voice greeted, in surprise at the two faces before her. Her mother smiled, leaning forward, embracing the tall, slender woman, before speaking in a hushed and calm tone.


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