forty three

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Deathly Hallows pt. 2
signs of hope

The sound of the waves caused Foxfire to feel a sense of security. They had been at Bill and Fleur's beach home, as it was their safest location for now. Foxfire looked over to see Harry seated near Dobby's grave, as he stared at the piece of shattered mirror in his hands. She turned from looking at him, and walked in through the back door of the home, where Ron and Hermione sat at the dining room table, and Luna spoke to Bill and Fleur. "The order uses it as a safe house." Bill had told Luna as Foxfire walked by, grabbing a cup of tea. Harry soon approached, as Foxfire turned and faced him, feeling pity enter her mind, as Harry had lost so much now.

"I need to talk to the goblin." He informed them all, surely. Bill led Harry, Hermione and Ron up to the room where the Gringott's goblin was seated. Foxfire took her place on the sofa, watching as Luna messed with some of the trinkets throughout the house. Foxfire stared off, wondering what was to happen next, when someone seated themself next to her. She turned to see Bill, whom she hadn't spoken much with before.

"Foxfire, correct?" he asked her, knowing full well it was. She nodded. "I've never properly introduced myself, I suppose, but we seem to keep meeting, and I've heard quite a bit about you." He extended his hand in greeting. "I uh, knew of your parents, actually." He told her as she looked up to him, confused. "And I know that you don't seem to know much about them at all, am I correct in my assumptions?" He asked.

"Yes." She responded, hesitantly.

"I know you are probably curious of your blood line, and what they were like, and I know just the person who can offer you those answers." He told her, feeling as though now was a moment in time that she had a right to know her history.

"Who?" She proceeded to ask.

"Me. I mean, I only know stories, but I figured you should know, before it could be too late." He told her. "Your mother, from what I've heard, was a veela." Bill revealed to her, as she perked up a little at this revelation. "Your father was a member of the Order. But in secret, hence why you can't find his picture amongst them. He joined later on, as he helped with doing undercover tasks, not wanting his identity revealed amongst death eaters and others." He continued, as she felt she now knew absolutely nothing of her parents, as that was being confirmed.

"Who killed them?" She asked, quietly, not entirely sure if she wanted to know the full extent of the truth, but before she could receive an answer, Harry, Ron and Hermione came rushing down.

"We need to go, Fox." Ron told her, as Bill and Foxfire stood to their feet. She nodded to him, and turned to Bill once more, while shaking his hand.

"Thank you, Bill." She told him, before exiting the house and following the others to the sandy shore. She watched as Hermione gulped down a blend of polyjuice potion, and suddenly shifted into Bellatrix herself.

"Well?" Hermione asked, and Foxfire couldn't help but laugh a little at the sight of her, compared to her high, innocent voice. "How do I look?"

"Hideous." Ron responded, who was disguised as a death eater, himself. Foxfire reached up, taking a drink of the final potion, and felt as she shifted into Draco Malfoy. She assumed she must have gotten one of his hairs on her when she was in the Malfoy Manor with the others, but what she didn't know, was that the clothes she was wearing, were his, as her memories were wiped from her.

"Jesus, I'm a Malfoy." She scoffed, looking down at her hands and then back to the group.

"That's bloody disturbing." Ron looked to her, slightly disgusted.

"My father will hear about this." Foxfire mocked, trying to look exactly as Draco would when he would make his annoying faces. Ron let out a laugh, as Hermione found herself giggling as well.

"All right, let's get to it then." Harry said before Hermione, Ron, Foxfire and Griphook all placed their hands in a pile, and then disapparated from the beach and to an alleyway located near Gringott's bank.

"Madame Lestrange," a dark and mysterious man, greeted with a bow to Hermione. "Mister Malfoy." The man greeted to Foxfire now.

"Good morning." Hermione greeted, nervously. The man looked at them, confused by the politeness, and then proceeded to walk away.

"Good morning?" Griphook insulted her manners. "You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy-eyed school girl." He continued. "If you give us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats." Griphook told them, causing dread to fill the alley.

Ron threw the cloak of invisibility over Griphook and Harry, and the lot of them continued through the alley, and entered into the bank. Foxfire, Ron and Hermione grew nervous as they walked down the long hall past all the goblins. The fear of getting caught, was enough to make Foxfire feel sick to her stomach. She tried her hardest to walk with as much confidence as she could, but being a boy she assumed she hardly knew, was much more challenging than she thought it'd be. They reached the front podium, where a goblin sat, writing on a piece of parchment, not looking up at them.

"Ehm." Hermione coughed, trying to get his attention. "I wish to enter my vault." Hermione demanded, as best as she could, but still sounding sweetly.

"Identification?" The goblin still refused to look up at her. Foxfire wanted to just spit out who they were, but she had to keep reminding herself that she was a girl, in a mans body, and couldn't speak, as it'd be a dead giveaway.

"I hardly think that'll be necessary." Hermione continued, again trying to sound intimidating but truthfully, was failing. The goblin finally looked up, realizing who was speaking.

"Madam Lestrange. Mister Malfoy." He stammered, seeing his mistake. But then, the goblin turned from them.

"I don't like to be kept waiting!" Hermione demanded again as Griphook muttered that they knew. Another goblin approached the podium, staring down at them, as Ron began to panic.

"Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?" He asked. "Along with you, Mister Malfoy?" He turned to Foxfire. It was lucky, as Harry had stolen Draco's wand, so she clutched it tightly in her pocket, and Hermione also had Bellatrix's.

"And why should I do that?" Hermione asked, as Foxfire reached into her pocket, already retrieving Draco's.

"It's the banks policy." The goblin assured her. Suddenly, a poof of green dust like substance hit the goblins face, and Foxfire realized Harry must've put him under a spell. "Very well, Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me." He told them, kindly, as they began to follow the goblin back.

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