Chapter 2

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This is my first hessa story so I'm glad you guys are liking it! I just wanna go over some things in case you didn't see my message I posted a while ago cause like I said this wont be that accurate to after, first its gonna take place in high school not college, second the bet does involve her virginity but for different reasons, and lastly I won't have all the characters from the books and the ones I do probably wont have the same personality as they do in the books, that's about it I hope you guys like this story!

Hardin's Pov

I rest my head in my hands as I attempt to drown out Ms. George's incessant babbling about the mating habits of slugs.

I find my gaze inevitably drawn once again to the blonde sitting next to Sophia.

My eyes slide over the silky curtain of luxurious hair that cascades across her arms as she bends her head to jot down notes.

I recall the gentle, almost doe-like quality her soft green eyes held when they looked into mine, and find that my heart jumps.

As if realizing that someone’s staring at her, she turns slightly around and glances back in my direction.

Our eyes meet again and she offers me a small smile, which causes my heart to flutter again.


Just as I’m about to smile back, I see Sophia glaring at me and roll my eyes.

What is that girl’s problem anyway? It’s not like I’ve ever done anything to her.

Have I?

Oh well, I wouldn’t remember anyway.

Just then, the bell rings and I watch as my mystery girl stands up and walks out the door with Sophia.

My feet seem to have a mind of their own as they jump up and begin propelling me to follow her.

“Hey, Hardin! Where you going?” Landon calls after me.

“Oh, I gotta… take a piss,” I call back, grabbing my bag and heading towards the door.

I’m in such a rush to leave that I don’t even notice the pair of disappointed eyes following me as I pass the voluptuous brunette from earlier.

I head into the hallway and my eyes scan for the sight of the cute blonde.

To my displeasure, I don’t see her anywhere. Sighing slightly, I continue my trek towards my next period class, ignoring the seductive glances thrown my way.

As I enter my English class, I catch a glimpse of blonde hair at the back of the room.

The head looks up and I find myself once again staring into swirling depths.

Making a snap decision, I make my way back there and take the seat next to her.

Zed will have to get over it.

“Hi,” I smile charmingly in her direction, propping my head in my hand as I study her.

She turns slightly towards me, a coy smile gracing her full lips. “Hi,” she responds.

“So… Tessa is it?” I inquire, scooting closer in her direction. She doesn’t move, but doesn’t act overly interested either.

“Mm hmm,” she hums, tapping her pencil against her notebook aimlessly.

I frown at her dismissal, and open my mouth again in order to rectify this situation. “So, I don’t suppose you’d be interested in knowing my name?”

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