the black mass

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y/n had just woken up. today was the day of the black mass. she's been preparing for this day for weeks. today she was going to sell her soul to satan.

she decided to wear a black lace thong and bra under her black and red cloak. she put on her shoes and walked out the door.

she was now at the church, very excited to finally sell her soul.
as she walked in she saw a man. he had brown eyes and blonde hair.
she looked at him and smiled. he blushed. she looked down to see a bulge in his pants. she laughed and walked to her seat.

it was finally her turn to kill. she walked up to the priest and was handed a knife. she took it into her hand and and stood behind the woman. she sliced her throat open.
she looked to see the man watching.
she smiled at him.

she went back to her seat as everyone clapped.

the service was finally over. she decided to go talk to the man. she walked over to him and spoke to him.
"what's your name", she asked.
"jeff", he said.
she answered, "oh, i'm y/n."
they both smiled.
she noticed that the bulge was still there.
she wrapped her hand around it, while staring into his eyes.
he stood still, not knowing what to do.
she then began rubbing it.
he looked to be enjoying it.
"how bout you let me come to your place", she said to him.
"oh yes, you can come, i'll drive", he told her.

they walked outside and got into the car as jeff drove them there.

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