idk yall fuck

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you arrive at kineros robotics.
you walk inside together.

jeff introduces you to a woman in purple.
"venable, this is y/n, y/n this is miss venable" he says, gesturing.
"hi", you say to miss veneable.
"hello y/n" she smiles.

he leads you to a secret room in the building.
he takes off your cloak revealing your body.
he sits u up and gets on his knees and begins to make magic with his tounge.
"oh yeah" you moan.
"come on, fuck me" you say.

he takes off your pants and pulls out his dick.
"it feel so good" you moan again.
he quietly moans, "fuck."

finally you both finish.
"that was amazing" he tells you.
you smile at him.
"id snort coke off your ass" he says, laughing.
"do it" you reply.

he grabs you and put you, ass up, on the table. he begins to make 2 lines on you.
he snorts it.
"fuck yeah" he says.
you laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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