ABNNT - Swear and Perish

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*Private Chat: ABNNT
Members: GB (Quikmaths), TB (Notassmart), 8-Ball (number freak), RF (autotunedmusic), Grassy (pure boi), TV, Blocky (YaBoi), Basketball (nobodylikesme).
Name Changing: Host Only
Online: All (But pure boi)


Quikmaths: So all of you guys actually showed up?

YaBoi: I was pretty reluctant

autotunedmusic: does anyone even care about that?

notassmart: it's mainly to discuss not being violent when @pure boi is online.

*Quikmaths changed notassmart's name to Not As Smart.*

Quikmaths: The same goes for our usernames! If you even think of swearing, you're out of here!

number freak: that's only when he's online, isn't it?

TV: hey I think he's gonna come online real soon

nobodylikesme: well you guys better be careful now

*Pure boi is now online.*

Pure boi: heya guys!

YaBoi: eyy ya doing good?

Not As Smart: Much happened for you?

Pure boi: not much, so that's why I came online!

number freak: yeah, good to know

Quikmaths: Anyways, what exactly did you want to chat about then?

Pure boi: I mainly wanted to discuss when I could go hang out with the other teams.

Not As Smart: It depends on what team you want to go see. Who do you have in mind?

Pure boi: I was planning on seeing iance!

autotunedmusic: Planning? Did you change your mind?

Pure boi: Yeah, kinda. I heard they were a bit rough, so who seems good for me?

TV: Perhaps Beep? They don't really have any bad people.

YaBoi: Yeah, they seem good. So you can go see them, and we'll message them to let you know you're coming.

Pure boi: Alright! Thanks! :p

*Pure boi is offline.*

number freak: man not swearing then was hard

Quikmaths: You aren't in the clear yet! There's a 5.79 percent chance he'll come back online within the next two minutes, so we'll just have to wait.

autotunedmusic: I would rather get it over with.

*YaBoi is offline.*

Not As Smart: I bet he's going to his personal swearing chat.

autotunedmusic: that exists? I'm getting him to invite me!

number freak: yeah, me too. sorry GB.

*autotunedmusic and number freak are now offline.*

Quikmaths: This team can sure be annoying sometimes.

TV: You, me, Grassy and BB are probably the only sane ones on this team.

Quikmaths: Yep. That's accurate.

*Everyone is offline.*

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