Wednesday: September 9

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Good morning, everyone!

There is actually nothing worse than having a certain time you need to have things ready and then your alarm not working. Ugh.

That's what I'm dealing with today, but I'm also reminding myself that even when things don't go my way, the day is still mine.

Yeah, I can't control any of the things that happen today,but I can control myself and how I react to everything. I, alone, can decide how people will see me tomorrow.

I decide if I'm going to be a peacemaker or a troublemaker, or both.

I decide if I'm going to be polite and kind to everyone, or if I'm going to be picky and judge them based on how they look, and treat them accordingly.

Whatever the case is, my point is that, when things go wrong, I still have the control here. I have the power to make my day good or bad.

I encourage all of you to have an amazing day, as well!❤

All of my love XXXX

All of my love XXXX

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