Thursday: October 29

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Be careful with your words, whatever you do

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Be careful with your words, whatever you do.

This is a really hard lesson for me, especially, because I am, in general, extremely opinionated. I know what I think, what I want, what I believe, and, often, it'd be better if I just kept silent. There is a time and a place.

Not every conversation has to be a political debate.

I am learning that, despite people's differences, as much as I want people to respect my opinions, if I don't respect theirs in return, I'm a hypocrite.

At the end of the day, no matter how I feel, they will have their opinions, and I will have my beliefs. I suppose because I research really heavily before I make ANY statements, so I'm not just spitting out words, I tend to think I'M the only one who has the right to say stuff.

That's not true, though, and it's egotistical of me.

Everybody's opinions matter, and, even if I disagree, everyone has the right to their opinion.

Anyways, just a thought for today.

I hope everybody's day is going great and, if it's not, hit me up❤❤❤

Lotsa love XXXXX

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