Part 5 - Ending with a Bang!

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Welcome to final session of this thriller writing workshop with Kanchana Banerjee.

In this part, Kanchana talks about:

- How all's well that ends well

- Finding the resolution to your story

- Completion of the character arcs

- How to end with a twist

- Which approach to take, open or closed end?

Happy learning :)

So, how did your experience with this workshop? Do share it in the comments.

Today's writing task -

"Use the learning from all the 5 sessions and complete your thriller story."

There will be a contest starting tomorrow in which you will be able to submit the story you've written during this workshop.

Stay tuned!

Want to read Kanchana put the theories into practice? Click on the below link to read some sample chapters from her novel - Nobody's Child

Have any questions for ? Ask them in the comments as well.

We're eager to read your questions.

Thriller Writing Workshop with Kanchana BanerjeeWhere stories live. Discover now