Twist The Clichés [RESULT]

114 10 23

Hello, Peachés!

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our contest Twist The Clichés and made it a massive success. We loved all of your entries and were very surprised by the creative approach to them. They were so delightful and satisfying to read that we had a hard time deciding the winners. We couldn't just settle for one winner, so today we announce not one or two but four winners for the contest!

Here are the winning entries:

The Perfect Guy by MonicaNguon

Masked by MarCafeWrites

The Side Character by GaileLin

The Bad Boy's Secret by simruns

CONGRATULATIONS! Your stories will shortly be added to our contest winners reading list.

We would also like to thank the participants for sharing their lovely entries with us. You all will soon receive a message from us to let you know how to obtain the sticker, should you wish to add it to your cover. We hope to see you again in the future with many more incredible contests. 💗

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