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(Shut up. I love this song.)
'in mind(Like their thinking it. I know most of this is in their minds)'
"Someone is talking"
*Doing a physical action*

Sans P.O.V:

*sigh* 'Time to do this again. Why does the kid make us do this? All we want....... is to be free.' I walk over to Paps' room. He'll be awake, but the last time I didn't do this I messed up the timeline. Don't want that to happen again.

"Pap! Come on! We have to be at the Queens' castle by noon!" Nothing happend. 'That's..... odd. Pap should be out here as soon as I finish saying that.'

"Yo Pap! Come on! I don't want to be late again!" Why isn't he coming out?! This has never happend before. What's so different now?

"PAP! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW! WE HAVE SHIT TO DO TODAY AND I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!" I shouted. What could he be doing in there that would make him not go by his script?! "Pap! I'm coming in!"

*Opens door and walks into Paps room.*  "Pap, what are y-" I stop dead in my tracks. He was GONE?! WHY?! THIS HAS NEVER, EVER HAPPEND BEFORE!

"P-Pap?" I whimper. "C-come on. This i-isn't funny Pap. Y-you can come out n-now." He knows I get easily scared. So if he's hiding, why hasn't he come out yet?

Than I see it. A small, white clump of fur sitting on the floor. *Walks over to the fur and picks it up* "The hell...... Goat fur? Why would tha-"

I snapped the fingers on my right hand together. A soft green light filled the room as I disappeared.

"Queen Undyne! Queen Alphys! I need to speak to you immediately!" I call out as I reappear in the courtyard in front of the castle in New Home. "Sans!" Queen Undyne said as she jogged over to me. "What's going on that you would need us so urgently?" Queen Alphys was blushing maddly as she was in Undynes arms. You could hear their twin children playing somewhere nearby.

I held up the clump of fur. Both of their eyes widened when they looked at it closer. "I found this on the floor of Papyrus' room. He's nowhere to be seen." Both of them gasped quietly. Alphus shook her head. Her rabbit ears flopped forwards when she stoped after about 30 seconds or so.

"T-that couldn't be p-possible. We b-banished her a long t-time ago." I growled lowly. "But what if it is my queen? Asgore has been here since the merge. You haven't let him out of the castle since he was decrowned. The only other goat monster is her. She is the only explaination for this."

"Who are they talking about, my queens?" The butler asked as he walked over. *sigh* "We are talking about-" Undyne started.

"Toriel Dreemurr." I snarled.


Papyrus P.O.V:

'W-where am I?' It was colder then ice when I awoke. The room I was in was pitch black. 'Where is Sans?' This definitely wasn't my room. If it was, there would be rainbow colors flashing in my face as soon as I woke up. I need to remind Sans to move the holiday lights once I get out of here.

I tried to move my arms and legs. They were strapped down with something leathery in touch. Most likely a belt. As I moved my head, something wrapped around my neck kept me from moving my head up or down. It's probably a belt as well.

A door opened somewhere close by. I heard soft footstep walk into the room and the sound of a door closing. Other than that, there was complete silence.

The footsteps slowly got closer. The being walked toward me with confidence almost radiating off of them. When they stopped, I could hear their breathing. It was calm, almost as if they were asleep.

"Hello~" a female voice purred. 'I recognise that voice, but from where?' "It's good to see you again, Papyrus~."

"W-who are you?" I whispered. My throat was on fire. It was almost to painful to speak. "Aww. You don't remember me Papy? Let me help you remember."

She walked towards me slowly. I felt two warm and furry things touch my foreskull. "Here~. This should help you remember."

An image of the Judgement Hall appeared in my mind. Then a picture of Asgore and Toriel Dreemurr holding a small baby goat monster in their arms. The last photo was of Snowdin Forest. "I-I don't understand. Why are you showing me these things?"

She chuckled under her breath. "Well Papyrus, let me give you a better clue~."

Only one image showed up this time. Sans and I fighting a deranged Toriel Dreemurr. I remember this fight. She almost killed both of us. "Do you remember this, Papyrus?~" I slowly nodded. "This still doesn't tell me who you are. Can't you just tell me?"

She slapped me across the skull. It snapped to the side from the sheer force of the slap. "YOU IGNORANT BASTARD! YOU SHOULD REMEMBER ME! YOU SHOULD FEAR ME!" It was that moment when I realised just who was standing in front of me.

My face contorted in disgust. "Well, sense your memory seems to be failing you, I will tell you who I am myself. "Toriel Dreemurr." We both say simultaneously.


Hi there! I told you this chapter would be longer. I would like to say that I found out someone else had also made an AU called HybridTale. Their version is completely different from mine, and they have given me full permission to have an AU with this name. Have a good rest of your day/night!😊
~Hybrid Sans
(1001 words!)

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