New people,New beginning

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The new guy's name was Owen Matthews, he had green eyes and brown hair. He had a bright smile and got along with everyone in every of his classes. What everyone didn't know about him was that he was gay, and didn't care about all the love the girls were giving him.

"Hey girls,can I join you guys?" Owen asked holding a tray while looking down at Josie and her friends.

"Sure," Aria replied smiling brightly at him as she made space of him. Jo looked around and saw other girls giving them death glares,

"Not to be rude Owen but, why are you sitting at our table?" Daisy kicked her under the table.

"Ignore her,I think she's on her period or something," Aria said smiling at him.

"Don't worry,its okay to ask. You girls were the only ones who didn't fall flat at my feet," Jo rolled her eyes. "Yes who doesn't like a little bit of attention? Well I do but I want good friends and I feel like you guys are cool from the two days I've noticed you guys."

"Why aren't you hanging out with guys instead?" Jo blurted out again.

"I don't really hang around guys a lot, I prefer being with girls?"

"Why? Is it because you think every girl will drool over you?"

"Can you just keep quiet, let the boy talk," Daisy said giving Jo a hard look.

"I'm gay... "


"You'd attend hiddensville high while we are here, which may be a really long time," Gary told his son and chuckled. "I'm sorry for us moving so much, its just to make you and your mum comfortable," he had a serious look on his face as he checked out his son's reaction. "I just hope you'd enjoy yourself this time around, make new friends, go to parties, host parties and even have girlfriends."

"I understand dad, and I'll try to do all you've told me to," he laughed as Gary winked at him.

"What are you guys talking about when we have a whole house to arrange," Maria said, hands akimbo. 

"But mum, the house is fully arranged."

"We need to put our own touches to the house so... "

"... It'll look more like a home. Mum you say this every time and we still end up moving, leaving the 'home', " he said knowing exactly what her point was.

"This time is different, let's go boys."

"Boys?" Gary asked. "Do I now look that young to you?"


"So do you have a boyfriend?" Aria had been asking Owen thousands of questions about him being gay since he had told them during lunch, now school was over and they were waiting for Jonah. He was Aria and Josie's ride home, whilst Owen had his own car and offered to take Daisy home also. Aria lived next door to Jo which made stalking Jonah easy for her since they're neighbors.

"Now you show up," Jo rolled her eyes.

"I was kind of occupied with some ladies," he smirked and winked.

"Its pretty obvious since you have lipstick all over your face," Daisy scoffed and rolled her eyes. Aria looked down,

"So you're the new guy reducing all the attention from me," he said facing Owen. "You're not that bad, not as good as me though."

"Trust me, he's not reducing anything," Daisy said pulling Owen to his car. "Bye guys."

"What did she mean? Is he her boyfriend?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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