Giraffy x Fem!reader

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Requested by @coralife
Art doesn't belong to me! Only the edit!
Your POV
Ever since the infection had happened, nothing isn't the same anymore, friends are getting infected, family, strangers, even dead people which could not be possible unless the thing that caused all this turns the dead into the infected dead, I have been in the safe house with Zizzy Pony Zee Zuzy Mimi and Giraffy for a while now, me and Giraffy and Mimi we're talking until we heard the door open, Zee and Zuzy came running to the door happily, I turn around to see Zizzy back with another person who was human and a small pig who looked around 7-11, "Zizzy's back, and has friends!" Yelled the twins as they get all excited, "Zee! Zuzy! This is George and [Insert player's username]" Zizzy said while showing the two girls "[Insert player's username] looks pretty funny-" They we're both cut off by Pony, "Zizzy! [Insert player's username]! We tracked a helicopter signal nearby."

*A few minutes later, Zizzy Pony and the player left George behind and went to where the signal was*

Zee and Zuzy then drag George to their room to play some games, "He is never coming out from that room" Giraffy said jokingly, I laugh to myself, "Hey Y/n? Can we talk somewhere private?"  Giraffy says as he scratches his long neck, "Sure I guess" I said wondering what he wanted to talk about.

We arrived to his room, Giraffy sits down on his bed patting his bed for me to sit next to him, I go over and sit on his bed, it was very comfy bed, I wanted to steal it but I would get in trouble, "So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked hoping it would be something good, "Well...I wanted to talk about our friendship and that I..." he looked very nervous while looking like he is gonna say never mind, "I...I..." he began to slightly blush, "Just tell me! I can't hold my patience anymore" I said annoyed, "I...Wanna change our a r-r-romantic friendship..." He says covering his face, I blush after hearing those words, "what your trying to say is that you want to change our friendship to a relationship? Meaning we date...?" I asked wanting to be sure, He nods slowly still covering his face, I smile and blush harder, "Well...I accept your confession!" I said happily, he uncovers his face shocked of my reaction, "You do...?" He asks having hope in his eyes, "Of course! I've actually felt the same way about you but couldn't find the confidence to tell you scared that'll you'll reject me" I said looking away blushing more, "Looks like we both feel the same way about each other" I turn to him smiling and him smiling also.

We were both looking deeply at each other's eyes until our faces get closer and we close our eyes and me and his lips connected, He pulls me onto his lap holding my waist, we were having a very heated make out, I then felt my area feel the need of sex but I ignored it because it would be to fast and he may not wanna do anything with me again, Giraffy then puts his arms up my shirt behind my back and un clip my bra making me blush hard, My bra then gets thrown to the side of the room and Giraffy then takes off my shirt also being thrown across the room, the cold air hits my breasts making me have goosebumps, Giraffy takes me off his lap and put me on my back on his bed and licks one of my breast's nipple, I cover my mouth trying not to moan loudly due to his room being close to where the twins room are and that them and George are in the room, I quietly moaned enjoying the feeling of him licking my nipple, he then puts his hand on my breast squeezing it slightly hard, A loud moan escapes my mouth making me embarrassed, he looks up at me smirking, "Y/n~ don't worry, the walls were built pretty well and that means you can moan loud as you want~" he says while taking off my skirt/shorts/pants, I shyly nodded still embarrassed, he then presses two fingers against my area making me moan excitedly, Giraffy then rubs them up and down at a slow pace at first and speeds up after a few seconds, my moans begin to increase knowing I'm about to cum, I moan slightly loud and cum in my panties, "Awww! W-We didn't get to do a-a-anything!" I said upset crossing my arms, "We can still do it~" Giraffy says while pulling off my panties, "W-Wait! I need to recover!" I quickly said flustered, "Alright, I'll be looking for protection while you relax,

*1 minute later*

Giraffy was ready and had already put on the condom, "Okay, you can enter now, please be gentle, your dick is large and It may hurt me if you go sudden..." I said nervously, "Y/n, don't worry, I'll be gentle" Giraffy responded back, he then enters slowly making a few groans, I quietly moaned as he entered, he looks up at me waiting for my permission, I nod shyly and embrace myself, Giraffy then thrusts in and out slowly trying not to moan, I moan in a mix of pain and pleasure as he continues to thrust into me, "Ahh~ Giraffy~" "Y/n...~ ngh~", he then speeds up holding onto me, my moans got louder and louder each thrust, I then push him onto his back and began to ride him, "I didn't know you could be a dom~ oh fuck...~" Giraffy said playfully, "S-Shut...Mmm~!" I was cut off by my own moan as I begin to speed up faster, "Giraffy~! I think I'm about to~! C-C-Cum~!" I said while bouncing on his dick, "W-Wait for...Ah~! Me~!" He says while holding my hips to make me go faster, "Giraffy~!" I moaned out before cumming, "B-B-Baby~!" We cummed at the same time, we begin to pant and catch our breath, I then flop onto his chest tired, "Your tired after all that?" He says still catching his breath, "Yeah...", Giraffy then pulls up the covers covering our naked bodies, I then snuggle against his chest drifting off to dream land, "Goodnight baby~" I heard him say before I fell asleep.

Sorry if the lemon was kinda short! I'm really tired right now and I wanna go to sleep and be ready for Piggy 2 tomorrow! Anyways hoped you enjoyed this lemon!
Next up:Doggy x reader

Peace out and goodnight! (you sinners-)

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