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Danny POV

I need to get away. Run. That's what my mama said. I've even running for what seems like years, but in reality I know it's only been few weeks to a month. I was chased out of my pack for being an overly submissive omega. They treated me horribly for being an omega already but when I shifted at 13 it got worse. They beat and abused me. They harassed me and made me feel as small as a mouse.

>Stop thinking about it Danny< Tawny Sighs quietly making sure not to scare me.

'I can't not think about it. They ruined my life. I'm surprised that I'm still alive honestly.' I say as I hop over a fallen tree. I put my nose to the ground and sniff around for an easy catch to eat for supper.

> That's because of my survival instincts. You really shouldn't think about what they did. Let's focus on looking for a place to sleep for the night. We can figure out what to do in the morning.< He says ending in a whisper as is turn my head when I spot a good size rabbit. I hunker down to creep closer trying not to alert the small animal. I slow my breathing and shuffle closer, as a soon as I'm right behind it I launch myself at it and kill it quickly with a bite to its neck and a shake of my head.

'Okay I see a small cave in that direction.' I say and cock my head to the right. As I finish my kill I head in the direction of the cave. As I get closer I feel my hackles rise. The air seems to have shifted. It feels heavy and the smell of rotting flesh fills my nose and I gag. I look around frantically. I can smell the but I can't see or hear them. "There are rogues in this area Tawny.' I say to him.

>Danny don't get close let's find another place to sleep for the night.< Tawny whispers even though I'm the only one that can hear him. I turn around and make my way back the way I came as quietly as possible. But as the goddess would have it, and my terrible luck I step on a stick and alert the rogues from the cave. They come pouring out and immediately spot me.

>RUN!!!!< Tawny screams and I book it as fast as I can in the opposite direction. They chase me for what seems like hours and they're slowly gaining on me. I take a hard right around a tree and cross into some pack territory. The rogues follow without even noticing where they are. One jumps on me from behind and grabs my scruff. Shaking his head around trying to break my neck. I try my best to shake free but his teeth just rip my skin open even more. Then all at once I'm free and I fall to the ground and the sound of fighting is all around me. I whimper quietly when a very large wolf stalks closer to me and as I start to black out he shifts and lifts me. I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

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