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The Solo Interviews


I love that you are letting us do this! Uncut solo interviews will finally show your viewers who the real villain is. I mean I already made this comment to Cam and he didn't mind. I think.

You know what, I feel like I'm being interviewed by Oprah right now (Mitchell said playfully).
So I know you want me to talk about my relationship with Cam to sort of create this retrospective before we move to Missouri. I still don't know if you guys are following us to Missouri, but you are welcome to do so.

What can I say about Cam? Well he's the love of my life. I can't imagine life without him even if some of your viewers think we don't work well. Maybe that's what true love is - how you can be seemingly incompatible with someone but you also know that your life is better with that person. It's not that you just settled but you chose someone, and you keep on choosing them everyday, because you won't be at peace if you are not with that person. Does that make sense?


Awwww Mitchell said that? That is so sweet of him. By the way, he already told me that many times. Not sure if you got that in your documentary. You know what, I agree with him. He's my everything. I can't imagine losing him. And I know we bicker a lot and undermine each other but it is done because of love. I knew he would not agree to things because his fear and control issues get in the way so I usually do what's best. I understand that can be viewed as me being controlling and that most of the time we apologize to each other, promise we'll do better, only to fall into this negative pattern. That is why now that we have our second child, and our first child is entering her teenage years, we will try to be better. Mitchell and I talked about this before we got Rexford.


Yes, we promised to do better. Less sneaking and more communicating. I do hope there is couple's counseling in Missouri. But do you remember what I said 11 years ago? How people can only change 15% of themselves and somehow that's enough? Well, we gotta work on each other's 15% then.

You see, when I met Cam in Pepper's party, I kept rolling my eyes every time he did something boisterous. This was before Pepper decided to play charades. Cam is too... happy. He's the life of the party and sometimes it's too much as if he's seeking attention. I knew I will be exhausted if I'm around him, and I am exhausted when I'm with him, if you know what I mean (Mitchell teasingly expressed).

But I definitely misjudged him, well, some parts of him. What I mean is, yes, he can be too much, too showy, too grandiose in his life choices except him choosing me, I'm not that elaborate. There is just something likable about him when you first meet him and definitely something lovable once you get to know him.

You already know about the Casablanca story, how I was surprised that someone would understand my thought process. At that point, I knew there was something special brewing there. Cam and I started talking and while I confirmed that I am exhausted with his overflowing energy, he's... someone I want to be part of my life. He's someone I want to share my life with. I knew for sure at that moment.

Pepper can be condescending but he did something right by hosting that party, deciding to play charades, putting Casablanca as one of the choices, and of course inviting me and Cam. Good thing we both showed up at the party, huh. It felt right that Pepper planned our wedding. Aside from the fact that he'll kill us if we didn't ask him.


Of course, Mitchell wouldn't be able to resist me! As I mentioned before, I am like Costco. I'm big, not fancy, but I dare you to not like me.

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