All's Fair in Love and the Mafia

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^^ That's Jimin's aesthetic, check out the artist 'cuz they're amazing - shaerahaek on Deviant Art. Also, I did some research for this one, and the mafia is actually SUPER interesting... like damn, the articles kept me occupied for ages.

Gunshots can be heard over the shouts and screams of men and women alike as people take bullets to the arms, legs, and heart. A man can be seen stalking toward a pair of young males, probably in their early twenties. Neither male sees him coming, as both are too occupied with firing their pistols at a swarm of enraged mafia soldiers.

The attacking man raises his gun, carefully aiming it at the shorter of the two's head. He pulls the trigger, silver blur streaking across the room as it never strays from its lethal path. Just as it's about to hit its mark, the targeted male spots it. His eyes widen in shock, hand shooting out to unsheath his sword, but it's too late.

The pastel pink-hilted modernized Korean blade rises slowly into the air. It's too slow to stop the bullet, and the pink-haired man knows it.

Suddenly, the clink of metal on metal can be heard as the shrieks in the room fade to background noise. The bullet drops uselessly from the blade of another sword, the wielder's face set in a look of determination.

With one swift movement, the mint-haired sword wielder slices his blade across the attacker's throat, killing him in one slash of red.

"Thanks, Yoongi," the taller, black-haired partner breathes. "Of course, Jungkook."

The smaller partner gives Yoongi a shoulder punch, mouth set in a thin line of appreciation. "They've gotten better recruits since the last time we did this, huh Jeon?" he asks, and Jungkook nods his head once.

"I will admit that they have potential. Unfortunately, they won't live long to act on that potential."

The pink-haired male laughs as he cocks his rose-colored handgun, shooting it off to the side, hitting his mark without a glance at the enemy soldier that stupidly tries to creep up on them.

"Alright," he says peppily, twirling the pistol on his finger as he slips it back into its holster on his thigh. "As much fun as this has been, we can't stay and play anymore. I have stuff to do today, and I'm sure you guys do too."

Yoongi sighs, telling them he'll meet them outside when he's cleared the house, sheathing his blade as he darts off to the side, throwing a few gracefully fatal punches on his way, crushing enemy soldiers' windpipes and sending killing blows to vulnerable pressure points.

"Let's go, Park," Jungkook says as he bends down, pecking the smaller's lips once before the peppy male unslings his matching pink sniper rifle from his back, smile on his glossed lips, before skipping off to who knows where.

"Jimin, wait up!" Jungkook calls, pulling out his sword with a chuckle as he, too, sprints off, following in his boyfriend's wake.

The couple has become infamous in Korean over the past year, and their names have even traveled to other countries and continents. Everyone who keeps up with the news knows about the odd couple. Powerful, but odd.

The partnered mafia bosses are known for a few things: their incredible ability to take down even the most respected mafia families at such a young age, their open sexuality and relationship even in conservative Korea, and most importantly, their style.

They have a flair for dramatics and are always blowing things up as they exit a building, leaving handwritten messages at the scene wishing the law enforcement a good day, and wearing the oddest outfits complete with the oddest weapons and equipment.

Park Jimin is known for his bubblegum hair, matching pastel pink guns, swords, and even blush-colored grenades. His most famous weapon is his sword, which he's come to affectionately call 'Shadow', for the darkness the person who it comes in contact with will see in the afterlife.

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