Chapter Two

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Your alarm goes off at 6 in the morning. You get up and start getting ready. You hold up two outfits in the mirror trying to decide which to wear. Ahh!? Which outfit should i wear?? I'll ask Ayuzawa. You knock on Ayuzawa's door. "Hey Misa- Ayuzawa, can I come in?" "Sure," Misaki says. You come in holding two outfits. "Which should I wear?" You ask. "Ooh! Well I don't really know anything about fashion but, I say this one!" She says pointing to the outfit you're holding in your right hand. You hurry back to your room and get dressed. You go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. After eating breakfast you say bye to Misaki's mom.

~~at school~~

"Okay, this is Seika High School! I'll ask one of our members from the Student Council to give you a tour," Misaki says. "Ok, see you in class!"

Someone comes walking towards you. They're about the same height as you , with blue hair and brown eyes. "Hey, are you L/n Y/n? I'm Yukimura," he says. "Hi! Are you here to give me a tour?" you ask. "Yes! Come with me," he walks down the halls. He shows you the classrooms, bathrooms, the office, Student Council, and etc. "Well, that's it! Do you have any questions?" Yukimura says. A question immediately comes to mind, "How can I join Student Council?" A confused look appeared on his face. "What? You want to join? You should ask Misaki!" he replies.

You find your class and open the door. Everyone is staring at you. Ahh!? Is there something on my face? Is there a stain on my shirt?? Is my hair messy?

A blonde haired boy walks past you, brushing against your arm. Isn't that the same boy you bumped into at the airport? We're in the same class?

"Come on class. Get to your seats," the teacher says. "We have an exchange student! L/n come to the front of the class!" You walk to the front while everyone has their eyes on you. "Hi, my name is L/n Y/n."

"L/n will be staying here for a year so make (your pronouns) feel welcomed!"

You go back to your seat.

Around lunch you find Misaki and ask her about Student Council. She interviews you asking many questions. After, Misaki stands up and says, "Welcome to Student Council!"

hello!! um so yeah this is chapter two. it's not that interesting yet but we're just getting into it 😼. i have school and get writers block often so i won't be able to update that often. i'll try to update it every weekend :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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