Katie POV:
I juat woke up and my phone had so many texts and missed calls from the boys.. as i started sit up I saw a sight I didn't want to see there was a small pile  of hair, as I pick it up my tears are falling. Next thing i hear is my phone ringing and its Rm

Rm: hey are u okay
Katie:( I was crying so I said in my crying voice) I don't want to die, please save meee.
Rm: k-k-Katie we are gonna take u to South Korea and we will try and save u
Katie : does Taehyung hate me?
Rm: he doesn't hate you , he is just broken, you guys are really close and the thought of him losing you is killing him just give him sometime.

Taehyung and i have gotten again closer its been 2months and I'm in Sout Korea and the boys are having me see a cancer Dr. To see if there is anything they can do to help keep me alive.
Today i woke up in Taehyungs bed and I again woke up with more hair on the bed alot more. I started to cry and the. TAE walked threw the door and took my hands and walked me to the kitchen and I saw they had a chair and a buzzer for hair .. Tae took me to the chiar and the rest of the boys where there and I had each of them buzz my hair off cause  it alot of my hair fell out and I had lots of bald spots.. as they buzzed my hair they all had tears in there eye.. Taehyung was the last after he was done he cupped my checks and kissed me .. i was shocked but kissed him back and then he hugged me ..

Tae: I love u , your gonna be okay,  your my girlfriend now okay and I'm gonna make sure u live a full amazing life.

I was shocked but happy cause kow I'm with the guy I love ...

3months later

I have lost so much weight, im doing chemo and I have no energy and not much of an appetite  but Taehyung has been there threw it all, when they are on tour I'm backstage in a wheelchair cheering them on ..
Today i was feeling alot better than other days and so I walked and got dresses for the day I noticed that Tae  was not in bed.. i walked slowly to the kitchen amd saw him making Breakfast and then i went to him and hugged him and kissed him .. the love I have for him  i cant put in enough words .

Tae: hey babe you have an appointment today and we find out if all we have been doing with the chemo is working or not ... u ready

Katie:... yes I'm ready im just nervous what if it comes back worse than before
Tae: then we will figure it out .. but don't think negative be positive.. i love u
Katie: i love u too

At the Dr. Appointment

Dr.: well I have good news and bad news .. what one would u like to hear first?
Tae: bad news first.
Dr. Smile fades away and looks at Katie.
Katie: its okay doctor I can take it go head and tell me.
Thw doctor  nodded and struggled to speak.
Dr: ..... umm okay well your test came back and the cancer is getting worse there is no way to stop it, but the chemo is showering it down so if you continue with chemo I say at least 2years.
Katie: the good news , there is a treatment I might be able to do to keep i alive longer than 2years but its not foreshore.
Taehyung who has been quite this whole time finally spoke and said
Tae: okay so what you are saying is im paying u thousands of dollars and there is nothing u can do to keep her alive alot longer? Your telling me 2year or maybe more .. i need her to be alove longer than that .. i need her to live for the rest of our lives.. i can live without her..

After the appointment I went to and cried in bed felling like we are doomed ...

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