"Cunning like a Slytherin"

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(A/N: Here we have a bit more 'Draco Drama')

I was hanging out in the Gryffindor common room with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I didn't want to be the third-wheel with Cho and Luna so I came to hang out with the golden trio. 

We heard professor Mcgonagall walking past the halls, knocking on every door. We opened the door and saw a poster attached to the wall. Every student gathered around the poster and gasped. While me and the golden trio walked to the poster, everyone was staring at us.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" I asked Hermione

"Not us, you." she replied.

I walked to the poster nervously and read it.

The Sorting Hat's first mistake. A student has been misplaced into a house she shouldn't be in. Y/N L/N, please come to the Great Hall at 6:00pm.  We will have a short new Sorting Hat ceremony to place you in your correct house. We are sorry for the house mix up. Any student who wishes to come is invited. 

I was so nervous. My face turned red while everyone looked at me. I also was confused. I know I didn't fit in my house, I didn't have ANY characteristics of a Ravenclaw. But being misplaced is a HUGE deal. Everyone stared at me. Hermione grabbed my arm and we went back inside the Gryffindor common room.

"Maybe no one will come to the new Sorting Ceremony. A lot of students don't really care much about a simple mistake." Hermione said trying to make me feel better.

"Probably" I said. I appreciate that she tried to make me feel better. Honestly, I didn't feel that bad. I mean, it was just a stupid mistake the Sorting Hat made. Hermione is probably right, no one actually cares. No one will actually show up.

Harry and Ron walked in the room. Ron pouted at me sarcastically. I laughed. We all laughed and we decided to forget about this.

5:45 pm:

"It's almost 6:00" I say to Hermione with an anxious face.

"It'll be alright. Let's get going. Ron! Harry!" Hermione called the boys as we left to the Great Hall.

Hermione was WRONG. Everyone was there. Almost everyone at school. I saw Malfoy sitting at the Slytherin table. He looked at me and blushed. He smiled, like an apology smile. He looked like he was trying to be nice. He annoyed me for years and now, he acts like this. I can't stand him. I ignored him and kept walking towards the Sorting Hat. 

"Ah, Miss L/N" professor Mcgonagall was holding the hat.

"I made a mistake placing you in Ravenclaw" the Sorting Hat said while I was 100% sure I would be placed at Gryffindor. I just knew I belonged there. 

"Let's see...loyal like a Hufflepuff" that was expected too, maybe I could be a Hufflepuff. 

"Brave like a Gryffindor" I smiled 

"Cunning like a Slytherin" I was surprised the Sorting Hat had said that. I never expected to have a Slytherin characteristic. 

"I would have to say..." the Sorting Hat took some time and finally said"Slytherin!"

I gasped loudly. My eyes were wide open. My jaw dropped. As the Slytherin table cheered, I could see malfoy looking at me, smiling. 

Draco's POV:

"Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat said. I internally screamed of happiness. I only smiled and looked at her. She looked at me for 0.7 seconds and then looked away annoyed. I had what I wished for. I never knew Y/N could be a Slytherin. But, she was mad at me. I thought to myself about how I was so mean to her over the years, I thought we were just teasing each other, like flirting. I never realized she actually hated me. 

Back to Y/N's POV:

I slowly walked towards the Slytherin table. The only spot left was besides Malfoy. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. He smirked at me. I was annoyed. Pansy, the most annoying girl I've ever met, sat across the table. She had this huge crush on Malfoy. She saw Malfoy smiling at me and she stood up. I didn't care, I just looked away. 

After a while, eating or talking to new people on the Slytherin table that were actually pretty nice, I hear something being whispered into my ear. Like a spell. I weakly turned around and a wand was pointing at me. No one else noticed. I saw Pansy was holding the wand. "Night, night" she whispered and the last thing I remember is passing away in Malfoy's cold arms.

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