Part 1

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Your eyes flutter open to the sun beaming through the half open window shutters.Your head placed perfectly in the nook between his shoulder blade and chest.You breath in deeply noting the smell of the room: thick of sweat with a mix of gucci cologne. The stench of sex lingering.Frowning you roll over onto your stomach, pulling some of the white cotton sheet with you. Your bare breasts tickled by the soft fabric as the blanket only covered half of you. You sigh and brush away the hair matted with sweat from your face.Squinting, you look over to the handsome curly haired beauty sleeping soundlessly next to you. A small smile appears on your face but you whipe it away quickly.'This is the 3rd time.' You think to yourself.Watching him sleep you notice his lips part slightly as his chest rises and falls with each deep breath. Your head cocks to the side as you notice a deep red mark just underneath his right ear, a hickey, no doubt. You frown, hoping you don't also bear a twin mark. Hiding it would not be a simple task.Curious, you gather the sheets covering you and sluggishly crawl off the bed, wrapping the sheet around you.You groan as you stand on the hard polished wooden floor. Your much more sore than you thought you'd be.Approaching the mirror you trace your fingers around your neck, looking for any trace of discolor.Luck seemed to strike, nothing.Thinking back to the night before, memories flooded in:His lips attacking yours. The mixture of feeling guilt, yet More alive than you'd ever felt before. The feeling of pure energy as he pulled your legs apart and looked into your eyes, whispering, "I'm gonna fuck you so hard" before his slender 8inch ripped into you.It all felt so right at that moment.Suddenly you hear from behand you, "Its feeling a bit drafty over here."Looking in the reflection of the mirror, his eyes peered into yours. He was propped up on his elbows, his hair wild and sticking out at all angles. One of his long legs tucked under the other. He looked like a model.As he lay sprawled, you couldn't help glancing at his perfect cock. He knew exactly how to use it and it drove you crazy.He noticed your gazing eyes and smirked, "I would cover up, but you've taken all the blankets."You feel your face flush pink and you turn away from the mirror and towards this perfect human being, "Good morning, Harry."He flashes his smirk again, his dimples showing, and pats on the bed next to him, "It would have been better if I woke up with you in my arms."You feel your cheeks go pink again and you hurry over to the bed, half tripping over the sheet and falling into the bed next to Harry.He pulls the sheet over his body and cuddles close to you, whispering near your ear, "That's better."You close your eyes and relax your muscles as you feel his body tighten around you.You let him take over. Let him make you feel as though you actually belonged. But Its this moment when you realize, you don't belong there. You belong in someone else's arms.Clearing your throat you say "Harry?" as loud as your voice allows. He answers back with a soft noise from the back of his throat, similar to a purr."I should leave." You say, squirming awkwardly away from his arms."Why?" he says in his husky morning voice, tightening his arms around you. Making it impossible to truly want to leave."I have to go home." you whisper, escaping his grasp and leaving the bed.There was a short pause before he replied but eventually he plucked up enough courage to answer, "Is 'he' going to be there?"You avoid his gaze (and question), by searching for your clothes around the room. When you are half dressed you reply cautiously, "Of course he's going to be there..." your voice darkens and your breathing hitches, "He's my boyfriend.""Oh" he replies, sadness heavy in his words.You turn towards him, fully clothed, and finally look into his deep green eyes, "I'll call you."You turn to the door and briskly walk out before he could answer.Not turning back to the chiseled God laying in the bed behind you, in fear that you'd never want to leave.


In the car ride home you constantly peer into the mirror. Trying to rid all guilt from your face. Rid the lies from your eyes. Vanish the deceit. Erase the cheating. It was a hopeless act.


Turning the front door handle and entering your estate home was like walking into a past life. It all felt familiar, but strange at the same time.You heard footsteps shuffle down the hall and your name, ringing with delight echoed against the walls. Looking down the bright hall you recognize the all too familiar face.You embrace him, but its not knew to you.His lips kiss yours, but its a touch you've felt before.He hugs you and kisses your lips again before whispering closely, "I missed you, babe."You frown sadly and reply back, "I missed you too, Zayn."

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