Chapter 2

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Five of them were gathered about a hardwood table in the small cabin that served as the captain's quarters. There were the Eberoseans-Tristero captain of the Osprey, Ship's Master Cartenio, the two barbarians Grimm and Freyja, and Marula-the corsair that had first parleyed with Freyja.
Grimm drank from a flagon of cheap Osirian wine while he played at a game of Senet with Cartenio, and wondered why the captain had called them here, while Freyja picked absently at the strings of her lute. After a few moments Tristero, who had been unusually pensive, cleared his throat. Freyja put the lute down.
"We lost a lot of men," said Tristero, "too many. We will need to name new officers."
"You wish our opinion as to who should fill these roles, captain?" asked Grimm.
"I wish for you, all three of you, to fill these roles, lad," said Tristero magnanimously. He continued, "There are few men I trust left aboard this ship. I would like to promote the three of you to become my lieutenants. Do you agree, Cartenio?"
"Considering the circumstances it is the best option, but there are some that will no doubt be displeased," noted Cartenio.
"Pellus you mean," growled Grimm. It was half question, half statement.
"Marula was a deadly enemy this very morning, to promote him to lieutenant will be a hard blow to Pellus," spoke Freyja, picking up the lute again plucking at it skillfully.
"Making Marula lieutenant is a show of good faith to his comrades. As for Pellus the Sly, I will make him Artillery Master. I know that he is up to the task, he had best be satisfied with that," concluded the captain. "I'll inform the crew in the morning."

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