Your First Kiss

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Oliver ran his hand through his damp hair one more time and ruffled the ends. Despite blow-drying it for several minutes, it still felt like it was nowhere near dry. He could already imagine the horrible bed hair he would have to tame in the morning, but there wasn't much time left for it as the whining in the other room started off again. He walked back into his bedroom to find Len greeting him with a weak peace-sign thrown into the air.

"You already changed?" Oliver asked and his eyes travelled to the pile of clothes Len pointed to. He nodded, leaned forward and then jumped into the bed right next to Len. Despite sheets and clothes blocking his sight, his arms didn't need as long to find his partner and he pulled himself up through a hug. Len's giggles sent happy chills down his spine as he freed his face. 

Len's eyes were back on his phone and he was scrolling through it a little longer, while Oliver cured his boredom by swinging Len's othe arm around and running his fingers over the fine veiny lines. He switched directions and then slid to the elbow up to Len's face, just before he noticed the sudden frown on his face. Oliver's hand slowly dropped back onto the mattress.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm?" Len looked up from his phone, shut it off and shook his head. "Nothing...I just saw a post."

"Yeah?" Oliver wiggled himself under the blanket and leaned his head against his hand. Len's eyes jumped around on the sheets and his fingers fidgeted with the sleeves from his borrowed shirt until he looked back up into Oliver's eyes.

"What was your first kiss like?"

Oliver wished it was intentional, but his body reacted quicker than his mind and a strong convulsion followed by a half-muffled gag made him drop down on the mattress. Len burst out in laughter for a moment.

"Looks like I shouldn't have asked that."

Oliver shook off the shudders running down his spine.

"Absolutely not. I've been trying to repress that memory."

Len snuggled his head even deeper into the pillow and just stared. Oliver did the same, albeit still taken aback from the sudden foul taste in his mouth.

"Sorry," Len murmured and then hummed, "Do I know them?"

Oliver yawned and took Len's phone out of his hand. He tilted it up for a bit to check the time and then shifted it under the pillow. Way too late again—but that was just sleepovers for them.

A poke to his cheek brought Oliver back to reality and he searched the room for the question that had just slipped his mind. Then he turned on his back and stretched.

"Nah, that's been back in...Year 8? 9? 8?" He hesitated and locked eyes with Len again, now with two fines lines between his eyebrows. "I was 13. Whatever grade that was."

Len opened his mouth, and then shut it again. Thoughts circled in front of his eyes, but there was nothing to grasp except for the same bitter feeling from just a moment ago spreading in his stomach. Oliver continued to retort the stare as his features slowly softened in defeat. A sigh escaped his lips as he tilted his head back on the pillow.

"You really want me to talk about it, huh?" His head turned to the side and he received a nod. Oliver imitated the gesture and sat up, with his back against the cold wall. He shifted uncomfortably for a while but then gave up.

"Well, there's not much to say. He—"

"He? Didn't you date Laura at the time?"

Oliver blinked and opened his mouth, but nothing would come out. Only as Len leaned up on his elbow with shock all written over his face he could force out an awkward laugh with a soft 'no' but that didn't change the situation in the slightest. Len gasped and glared at him. Even though it was only for a split second, Oliver has never seen it before and it stung more than expected.

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