Part 6: "Japan huh?"

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~Izuku's POV~

It's been a year since I've left and I've changed a lot. My hairs a little darker, I have a lot of ear pierces, I got a tattoo for my mom and I've changed physically. My form is more buff and strong but you could say, I could more curvy? I got a bit taller so I'm not 5'5. I'm a cinnamon roll but don't test me, I'll cut you. I'm on my way to school right now with my friends,

Izuku: "Shut up! I have a headache."

Miles: "Sorry, jeez!"

Olive: "Aw! Are you okay Izu?"

Izuku: "Yeah, thanks for asking..."

Cyrus: "It still freaks me out how you can literally change moods in a split second."

We all laugh it off and continue walking. During the last year we grew really close. I'm really over protective off them especially the girls. They can protect themselves but it's like a brotherly instinct. I could care less about the boys though, we get into shit all the time and the girls always get us out of it. We're the Top 5 in school and I'm a bit excited today. Mostly because we have a mission today well, we're only getting the details today but we get to go on a mission. Apparently we'll be going to another school but they wanna surprise us or some shit.

Cyrus: "I can fell your excitement from here Izu."

Izuku: "I can't help it Cy! I'm way too excited!!"

Miles: "*laughs* we know."

Sho and the group and I have gotten more close. I'm still making my music, It's kinda like I live two lives, I'm not really famous, I just post my songs on YouTube. I cover my face cause I'm way to shy for that so no one knows except for my two groups. I make my owns songs so when I'm not doing hero stuff, I'm writing or recording songs. But while I have a passion for music, my hero side is way more passionate.

We walk in school and head straight to the office for our mission,

Principal: "Okay, you're here! Firstly, we'll be going to a different school so no goofing around. Second, we'll be staying in the school in dorms. It's seven a dorm so you'll be sharing with two other people from the school. Third is the mission itself, you'll be required to sneak up on a target and knock him out but not before he reaches his destination. You'll scope out the area and then retreat so NO fighting, only if the target fights back. Make sure so do a patrol before the mission in case the target has any people around. Clear?"

Izuku: "Yes sir! When are we leaving?"

Principal: "Tomorrow."

Violet: "Tomorrow?! We still have to pack!"

Principal: "Yes, you'll be given today off to gather your things and tomorrow at 8 am sharp, we'll meet at the airport."

We all left and went our separate ways after expressing our excitement. I went home and gave everyone the news,

Asahi: "That's great!"

Akaashi: "Yeah, congratulations!"

Suga: "My baby, I'm gonna miss you. You have call!"

Daichi: "Okay babe, give him some space."

I left and went to pack, it was around 2 pm when I finished so I laid in my room singing my music and messing around with the lyrics for a while. After I went to the kitchen were I was scarred,

Izuku: "Seriously?! On the fucking kitchen counter! I make my food here, man!"

Kenma: "I am so sorry you had to see that!"

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