Part 11: The Confession

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Katsuki's POV

'Okay so, maybe flowers? Chocolate? White or dark chocolate? Does he even like chocolates? Idiot! What if he's allergic? What about biscuits? What kind? How about doughnuts? Sprinkles or drizzled? Ugh! Okay, places...? Flower beds, restaurants, parks? How about the café? What if he doesn't like coffee? Fucking hell!' I was deep in thought completely oblivious to the fact that I was mumbling out loud.

"Uhm, how long has bakubro been at this?"

"Two hours."

"Is he okay?"

I'm ripped out of my chain of thoughts when shitty hair starts violently shaking me.


"I'm sorry, you looked stressed!"

"Hah? Piss off!"

"Why are you stressed about a date?"

"What do you mean 'why?' Because it's literally with most perfect person in world shitty hair!"


"Shut it raccoon eyes and help me!"

"Okay okay! Hmm, cafe?"



"Too basic."


"Uh uh."


"Absolutely not."

"Fucking hell! Why are you so goddamn picky?!"

"Because it's fucking Deku!"

"I can't think of anything else!"

"Ugh! Now I'm going to have to cancel, and he's gonna be sad! What if he gets angry? I'm the one who asked him! What if he thinks I'm lame. Oh god, what if he never speaks to me again?! I'm such a loser, it's a date for fucks sake! Jesus Christ, I'm going to have a mental break down! F-"

"Okay okay! Calm down!"

"Let's take a different approach! What's his favorite place?"

"Huh? Oh, the beach!"



I run off and could hear them laughing behind me but I had shit to do so I couldn't care less. This date was going to be our first date and it was going to be memorable. I remember when I asked him. It was 1 week after he got out of the hospital. I was a stuttering mess. I messed up so bad.


"How you are- I-I mean how are y-you!" I'm stuttering like a fucking school girl in front of Deku. He looks at me softly and giggles slightly.

"I'm fine kacchan! How about you?"

"W-well, you know- so um..."

"A-are you okay? You're a little red."

"Y-yeah fine perfectly- PERFECTLY FINE! Perfectly fine!"

"Uhm, okay?"

This is fucking stupid! It's just a fucking date and I'm completely making a fool out of myself. I'm stumbling over my words because of Deku. What the fuck?

"an-, chan-, kacchan? KACCHAN!"

"Ah, what the fuck?!"

"I asked if you wanted to come in?"

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