Chapter 1

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Accalia was finishing up the final touches of the menu for the latest event "INFERNO" would host. At the not so tender age of thirty-three, she was gradually becoming more and more tired due to the excessive workload and lack of sleep. Then again, she was the co-owner and executive chef of one of the biggest restaurants in Rodonia.

She had moved to this city twelve years ago, when she started working hard to achieve her dream of becoming a chef. Moving here and meeting Josh was the turning point in her life. He introduced her to some of the greatest chefs and gastronomers that existed. Being an avid foodie himself, he had connections literally everywhere. All he ever asked in return was that she worked in his restaurant. Their restaurant now. After all these years of bickering, learning and working together, Josh was her family. So they decided to seal the deal by signing to be co-owners of the INFERNO.

Sighing, Accalia leaned on the counter taking one final look at the menu in front of her. It looked flawless. Tomorrow she'd start the food tasting with her colleagues, so that everything would be perfect for the event. She wanted everyone to have the best culinary experience possible. Besides, she had won another award recently and she had an image to uphold.

Josh walked in clicking his tongue at her.

"What is my favourite girl still doing here?"

"Looking over the menu... again."


"Kinda. If this goes well we could host all the future events for the Shadow Pack."

"Well, yeah, but no need to feel pressure, love. Your work as a chef has been recognized worldwide, and besides we are doing extremely well with or without them."

"I know, but still, I feel it's like a milestone for me, not only as an executive chef, but also as a co-owner of this place. I want to do well for all of us here, since it's my first big project after signing for this place."

"And you will. I have always had faith in you."

She studied him closely and saw the sincerity evident on his face. Josh somehow believed in her even when she didn't. Sometimes he reminded her of her father. Exhaling loudly she shook her head.

"You're right. I don't know what got into me. I am worrying over nothing. The menu is ready, the trials and tasting will start tomorrow, we've placed our orders several weeks in advance just to be on the safe side, and our staff are well-trained in every aspect. We've got this."

"Now that's the spirit!"

"How are things going downstairs?"

Even though INFERNO was a popular spot & a restaurant with multiple awards, it was mostly meant to be used by humans. Underneath existed an entire palace of a bar for gifted customers, such as vampires, weres, fey, trolls and all sorts of entities. It was neutral ground for all species and everyone seemed to enjoy and support it.

"The Den will be all the rage again this year. The bartenders have received Michael's special training..."


"Yeah, so I'm sure they will do their absolute best. No errors will be tolerated there."

Serving all kinds of species was a hard task, but even more so when it took place under the constant watch and training of a were-dragon. And Michael, well, he was a tough one.

"I think I'm done. The guys will be here around 7am to pick up the supplies and..."

"And I will be the lucky man to inspect them, yes, yes. No worries."

She grinned at him teasingly.

"You are the man, Joshie!"

He smacked her head softly and kissed her forehead.

"Now go, get a good night's rest and we will continue tomorrow. The next couple of weeks will be exhausting for you. I've got everything under control here."

She nodded happily, kissed his cheek and stepped out.

"Goodnight Josh! See you tomorrow!"

"Goodnight love!"

It was late summer and the weather was starting to cool a bit. The night breeze felt nice on her skin. Her house was only half an hour away from the restaurant on foot. She initially thought that she'd be finished earlier, but it was already past midnight. The lack of traffic though and the summer breeze were all the motives she needed in order to walk instead of catching a ride home. Satisfied with today's work, she continued her walk, humming on the way.

Accalia crossed one more traffic light, when she noticed a car moving slowly across the street, tailing her. She couldn't see anyone through the windows, and she didn't want to be too obvious staring either. Supernatural creatures or not, she could definitely outrun them. She smiled, picking up her pace. The fey blood in her was spreading a tingling sensation over her. Excitement.

She took a turn towards a park where the thick treeline would prevent curious eyes from seeing what she was about to do. Accalia heard the car coming to a stop. From the corner of her eye, she saw two bulky men stepping out of it and walking towards her direction. She moved further in the trees making sure she wouldn't be as visible and chanced a good look at their faces. The men hurried but it was already late. Accalia teleported a few blocks away.

Wolves. Bet that will confuse their stupid noses. She always masked her scent so they wouldn't be able to trace her. They may pose no threat, but Accalia wasn't eager to find their motives to follow her in the middle of the night. Straightening herself she hurried home.

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