The Ice Skates

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Another day had passed, and Snufkin was finally starting to get better. Better enough to even leave the bathhouse and go for strolls. Everyone was still too worried to let him continue his travels, though. This was all because Moomintroll had found grandma's book of remedies, which of course had a cure for colds. He had then convinced Snufkin to go ice skating with the others. Too Ticky helped them make skates to attach to their shoes. All but Too Ticky were not very good at ice skating, even Snufkin kept falling over.
"Be careful!" Said Moomintroll worriedly, "Don't hit your head on the ice!!"
"You be careful too," Replied Snufkin, "You've fallen over three times in the last minute!" The boys laughed at this comment. Unable to balance properly, they resorted to using each other for support. Yes, it was quite awkward. Snorkmaiden had gotten the hang of ice skating fairly quickly, though at one point she forgot how to stop and slid right into the dock. Eventually, everyone was able to skate well enough, and began moving about the ice as they pleased.
Everyone crowded inside the bathhouse, as a storm had cut their skating short. However, they soon left the bathhouse, as four people and many invisible shrews were quite a tight fit. They all went to moominhouse instead. Too Ticky didn't accompany Moomintroll to his house last year, but this year she felt like having a change.
"I wish there were pancakes," Announced Moomintroll, quite suddenly, after they'd entered the house and lit the candles.
"I could try and make some!" Snorkmaiden cheerily replied. She decided she'd teach Snufkin how to make them as well, and he agreed, what could there be to lose?

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