The Unwanted Guest

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Night had passed, and everyone went outside to check on the house, as they had gotten too caught up in the fun they were having yesterday. They were doing this because of the hailstorm, of course. Luckily, no damage was caused, so they went about their day as usual. Snorkmaiden wanted to make something other than pancakes, but all she could find was jam and pine needles.
"Does anybody want jam-pine-needle stew?" She asked sarcastically. Nobody replied.
"That was a joke," She muttered, though everyone was aware.
"What're you all so worried about?" Asked Too Ticky, "I've got some edible stew at my place. Just give me a few minutes and it'll be ready." Everyone excitedly awaited Too Ticky's return with the stew.
"I'm bored," Admitted Snufkin, "extremely. I'm going for a walk."
"Take me with you!" Pleaded Moomintroll, grabbing onto Snufkin's knee.
"It will be five minutes," Said Snufkin firmly.
"Yes!" Argued Moomintroll, "A great reason to take me with you!"
"No!" Sighed Snufkin, "That's not what I meant!"
"Dear Snufkin," Moomintroll whimpered, "oh, don't be angry with me! Just take me with you!" Snufkin groaned and Moomintroll giggled, you see, Moomintroll was just messing around with Snufkin, and meant no offense. Snufkin stood up and attempted to walk across the room with Moomintroll attached to his leg. Snorkmaiden found it quite entertaining. However when he reached the door, he fell over.
"Eh?" Moomintroll gasped, "What's the matter?"
"It's so cold," He replied.
"It really is," Muttered Moomintroll, "hold on— I'll bring you back to the fireplace."
"Uh, have a look at the door frame!" Instructed Snorkmaiden. When they looked, they saw that tiny shards of ice were forming in between the doorframe and the door, slowly growing larger. Everyone was now situated at the fireplace, huddled up together to keep away from the freezing doorframe.
"How long do you think it'll go on?" Asked Snorkmaiden.
"Who knows," Replied Moomintroll vaguely, "I hope it doesn't freeze the whole house. Wait.. is this—" But he was cut off by a shout from outside.
"Oi!" Shouted Too Ticky from in front of the door, "The back door's unlocked, right?"
"Of course, why?" Moomintroll shouted back.
"Well, you've got a guest," Too Ticky said awkwardly, "not a very pleasant one might I add." Too Ticky came in through the back door while Moomintroll looked out the window to see who the guest was, though he already knew. Yes, it was none other than The Groke.
"Why're you here?!" Shouted Moomintroll angrily. The Groke only groaned and moved closer towards the window, then putting her icy hands on it. The window panes froze, and it was so cold that Moomintroll couldn't touch it anymore.
"It's the light isn't it?" Asked Moomintroll aggressively, "I get it, this is the only light, but don't go taking it from us! Oh, and you are not invited to the midwinter bonfire, so please refrain from attending!" He then shut the curtain and they blew out every source of light in the house. The Groke left after that, quite disappointed.

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