Warm Me Up

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"You did so great today!" Blue's mom compliments me. We sit around a table in the ski lodge, chatting about the first full day in Beaver Creek.

"Thank you," I say with a soft laugh, a little embarrassed at the fool I made of myself all day. Today was my first day on the slopes, and I definitely did not do so well. Blue graciously took a beginner's lesson with me. I was the oldest person in the class, but Blue was so encouraging. I'm even taking another lesson tomorrow with the instructor.

By the end of the day, I managed to make it down the bunny slopes a few times without falling over. Each time I did fall, Blue was there to help me up, usually with a warm peck on the cheek.

"Six spiked ciders," announces the server, placing a generous mug of hot apple cider in front of each of us. The aroma of spices and bourbon immediately warm my veins before I can even take a sip.

"Cheers everyone," Blue says, and we gently clink our mugs together. I take a sip and the warm, sweet liquid settles in my belly, the taste of alcohol lingering on my tongue. My body and mind relax, and Blue squeezes my knee, placing his mug on the table in front of him.

"I think tonight would be the perfect night to try out the Jacuzzi!" Blue's sister suggests enthusiastically. I feel Blue's grip on my knee tighten just a bit. My eyes slowly wander to meet his, and his eyes are a little darker.


Back at the house, everyone quickly changes into their swimsuits and grabs a glass of wine. As I pour mine and Blue's, he rests his hand on my hip, kissing my shoulder. "I had so much fun today, babe," he says into my neck.

"Me, too, Blue. Thank you for taking that lesson with me. Hopefully I'll be able to join you by the end of the week." Blue could be riding the blacks, but I know he'll take it easy with me on the greens.

Blue kisses me on the cheek and taps me gently on the ass, encouraging me to move toward the deck where everyone else has already submerged in the hot tub.

The air outside is brisk, so I dip my toe into the searing water briefly before settling into a corner spot. The water is scorching as I sink beneath the surface. Blue sits beside me and drapes his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

We continue our conversation from earlier, making small talk about the day, how beautiful Beaver Creek is, our plans for tomorrow. Concealed by the bubbles from the jets, I decide to tease him a little. I nestle into his side a little closer and lean against him, placing my hand on his leg as I get comfortable. I rest my hand on his knee and give it a little squeeze before moving up his leg to play with the hem of his swim trunks. He puts his mouth to my ear and kisses me. Goosebumps form on my skin.

"So do you think you're going to ride the green slope again tomorrow?" Blue's mom asks me, taking a sip of her wine.

"Yeah, probably" I say, "if that's what Blue wants to do." I squeeze his thigh again and brush the tip of his cock with my hand. I feel him stiffen under my touch as he tries to keep a straight face.

"Whatever you wanna do, babe," he says, kissing my temple. Whispering, he adds, "I like that..." and he brushes his fingertips across my shoulder.

"Well, remember that I've got a lesson anyway, so I won't be alone," I add.

"Oh, you mean with Dallas?" Blue confirms. After today's lesson, Blue mentioned that he thought Dallas was checking me out and it made him a little jealous.

"Yeah, he's super nice!" I reply, winking at Blue. "What about you guys?" I ask the group. Blue's mom and dad are riding the blacks tomorrow, and I feel a little guilty that I'm such a novice. His sister and her boyfriend are going to take a snowboarding lesson in the morning.

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