~ Prologue ~

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~ Nothing brings people together like good food. ~

This was the motto your parents lived by and quoted almost daily while cooking. Cooking was a huge passion for your parents and always strived to get better, in fact, cooking was how they met.

"It's rather cliché, how we met that is." Your father would always say awhile looking away to hide the embarrassment written across his face. Said story goes along the lines of your father, a young adult at the time, was visiting a neighboring town in order to try something new and expand his knowledge. During his visit, however, he apparently got lost and the gloomy overcast looked as though it'd start raining soon and he was not staying outside in the freezing rain. Usually when your father would tell this story he'd always put the emphasis on the word 'not' and your mother would too, but in more of mocking tone to tease him. Anyways, right when it started pouring, your father found a family restaurant. Upon entering, he was greeted by a younger version of your mother and when they both locked eyes they knew it was love at first sight. They then started dating, got married, yata yata... you know the usual thing that couples do.
Eventually they both settled down and started their family. Your father, a traveling chef, and your mother, co-owner of her family's restaurant as well as somebody who'd always volunteer to cook for the community, had hoped you'd enjoy cooking as much as they did.

• • • •

Boy were they wrong!

So wrong they missed the target and instead shot the tire to their car that was parked behind them. You, their first and only child, despised the thought of cooking and the kicker? You were an extremely picky eater and junk food was the only thing you lived on.
That funky smelling meat your parents were cooking that night? Not a problem when your favorite convenient store was having an amazing sale on your favorite cup noodles which tasted amazing and didn't smell funky.

Your parents tried on multiple occasions to get you out of your weird flunk, which they honestly thought wouldn't even last this long, but to no avail. You couldn't even step into the kitchen without panicking which ended with you getting stuck inside your parent's bathroom because you didn't know how to unlock the door. But hey, no worries because people grow up and change! So lets forget about that embarrassment of a past and move onto the present.
At least now you can walk into kitchens and cook, even if it is just throwing a frozen pizza in the oven or boiling water to make instant ramen. That counts right? Also you can unlock doors which is a huge improvement and I'm so proud of you.

Speaking of the present, your parents had informed you a couple weeks back that they were leaving. Your father has work related business overseas and your mother is needed at her restaurant for an emergency, but plans to meet up with your father overseas afterwards. In the mean time, you'll be staying with a long time friend of your parents who oversees a dormitory of some prestigious school. There it was decided you will continue attending the school in your district, but everything would be online. So technically you aren't attending that school, huh? The reason for this decision was for the fact that you'd be quite a ways away.

Moving along, today was the day where you wished your friends and neighbors goodbye which then led to you boarding your parent's car so they could drop you off at your new temporary home. The car ride was long and you couldn't help but worry about how everything would turn out. Your mother described where you'd be staying and you couldn't help but panic at the thought of the staying at an elite culinary school. It seemed like a nightmare for such a picky eater as yourself and you weren't sure if you wanted to be bullied for "not liking food". Your parents reassured you, once they saw the panicked look in your eyes, that everything would be fine and that they'll be home as soon as they're done with work. The rest of the car ride after that was in silence and you stared out your window for the rest of trip at the sun that had barely even risen yet. Upon arriving at your destination, you wished your parents many safe travels and goodbye. Before they left, they gave you a perfectly wrapped present. You thanked them and started to open the bright red packaging only to find a sweater and a letter. Said sweater was extremely soft, homemade, and pastel yellow. There was even white cursive lettering in a pastel pink heart on the center of the shirt that read,

"~ Food is where the heart is ~"

A bright smile appeared on your once slightly frowning lips and you brought them both into a big bear hug. After many more hugs, kisses, and goodbyes, you all parted ways. Your parents, before they left, told you to not open the letter until you were at a time in a need of encouragement. Afterwards you started to make your way through the large school campus to your new home. Sunshine peaked through the trees as you made your way through the woods on this gorgeous morning. Finally a large dorm covered in vines/many other greens came into view. This dorm was named Polar Star Dormitory which housed students attending the infamous Tōsuki Culinary Academy.

Oh boy, this was gonna be rough- however long you were going to be here. Your parents did this on purpose, huh? Or maybe Fumio just wanted to see you. At least you hoped Fumio missed you because you couldn't bare the thought that your family forced you here on purpose.

You anxiously reached for the door and put you hand on the handle. You toke in a deep death and after finally calming down from your quick freak out, you opened the door which let out a creak.

This was either going to be an extremely rough ride...
Or perhaps something life changing.
Lets have a little hope, yeah?


Author's Note:

I really wanted to get the chapter out to see how I like it and decided to publish while I'm at it. I planned to release this for a long time and today was the day it was going happen. However, I uhh.... left my phone at school by accident. Because of this my cover photo is gonna look a little wack until Monday when I get it back so my apologies. I also wasn't able to do other small details, but.... it is what it is. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little test of a chapter and I hope you'll look forwards to future updates!

Thank you for reading ~ <3

Food Is Where The Heart Is ~ (Soma Yukihira x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now