~ Chapter Two ~

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You yawned as you slowly made your way down the wooden stairs of the dormitory. Your boots made the floor creak as you made your way towards the exit to the field which was located behind the large building. Once outsides, you looked up to see there wasn't a single cloud in the sky and the sun had barely risen. It was quite chilly out which made you huff and zip up your jacket even more. You slipped on your gardening gloves and slowly made your way towards Kyokusei field, or Isshiki field which was the name the upperclassmen jokingly referred to it as since he was usually the one that tended to it. No, scratch that... he was the one that soley tended to it. Once he even told you that he has been skipping class to make sure everything was well taken care of. Sometimes you worried for the poor boy and thought about asking him if he'd let you watch over the field so he could go to class for once. However, you supposed you didn't have much of a green thumb as he did and therefore never asked him. That and you weren't sure if you were ready to face the consequences if you so happened to mess something up. You knew deep down that it probably wouldn't be as bad as you keep thinking it would, but you did know how serious the boy got about certain subjects so that is still a no on the topic. As you made your way past all the many different areas in which the residents used for their cooking needs, you saw the silhouette of someone standing by the field/garden area.

Isshiki turned towards you once he noticed your presence, a smile resting upon his face. "Good morning {First Name}!" His cheery voice rang out.

You returned his smile with one of your own and silently questioned how he could be full of energy this early in the morning. "Ah.. Good morning Isshiki. Am I still on watering duty?" You chuckled.

He nodded, "If you wouldn't mind, would you also look over everything to make sure everything is in tip-top shape? Today I would like Soma to join us and I want everything to be in order to give him a great first impression!" He gave you a determined look as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Will do captain!" You jokingly saluted him and hurried off to do your chores. After carefully maneuvering yourself around the various plants you finally reached the facet and your large blue watering can. You grabbed said watering can and dumped out what little water was inside. The plants that Isshiki spent so hard caring for deserved only the freshest of water. You then proceeded to place the can under the facet and turn it on. Once it was full, you picked it up with both hands and started to make your way around the garden making sure to water any plants that needed it. Usually the first few minutes of watering the plants were rough which was because of your lack of arm strength. Trust me, it was way worst when you started out and you usually ended your task soaking wet. Since you did this task daily, however, your noodle arms weren't so.... noodley?

After you finished your task of watering the plants, you made your way around and fixed anything that may have looked like it needed a little bit of help. Once you finally finished running around you noticed that Isshiki was now working on tiling the soil. You started walking towards him when you noticed Yuki and Soma were approaching the garden. You stood next to Isshiki, watching as Soma happily looked over the garden until his eyes landed on the half naked Isshiki. You had to admit, his face was kinda priceless.

Isshiki stopped his labor and turned towards the two. "Good morning, Soma-kun, Yoshino-kun! A bit of hard work in the morning helps soothe the spirits. Let's all sweat together!" The older boy gave the both of them a cheery simile a while resting his tool on his shoulder.

"Ah- It suits him." Soma mumbled in response as he stared at Isshiki with wide eyes.

Isshiki approached the two and began to explain how gardening helps with learning how ingredients grow which would then lead to being a better cook. Which was something you didn't quite understand but agreed with anyways when Isshiki turned towards you for approval. Isshiki continued, "This is Kyokusei Field. Though I wouldn't object if you called it 'Isshiki Field.'" The male smiled as he gestured towards the garden.

Food Is Where The Heart Is ~ (Soma Yukihira x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin