a change in routine

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It was a sunny brisk morning as the sun slowly peaked from behind the hills, a roster could be heard in the distance as the sun light peaked through the curtains of a young man's window.

{???} "Kieto~ get up!~"

The boy slowly opened his eyes and yawns stretching and getting off the bed.

{Kieto} "im up mom!"

{Mom} "Hurry up or breakfast will get cold!"

he yawns again and stands up stretching once more before he changed into his work clothes and heading down stairs, when he got to the kitchen his father and mother where at the table his mom was talking to his dad as he ate his breakfast.

{Dad} "oh... Kieto, morning..."

{Mom} "Randal what did i tell you about eating with food in your mouth! You'll teach him bad habits!"

His mother his his father over the head with a wooden spoon as his father chuckled and rubbed where she hit him, he walked over and sat down eating the breakfast.

After he finished he went about his normal routine, he fed the animals, collected the eggs, let the cattle out to pasture, and joined his father in the field... But today was also his 6th birthday witch meant he would be able to get his divine blessing at the church like every 6 year old has.

{Mom} "Kieto, Randal! Come on! Get washed up and dressed, its almost time to go!"

{Dad} "on it sussy, come on boy, let's go before she hits us with that holy sword of hers~"

{Kieto} "Alright! This time ill beet you!~"

He loved his family and how life was, he had hope that things would never change... But fate had different plans.

[Class change successful! Kieto class: Hero]

An uproar was heard through out the entire church as this was spoken by the head priest.

He looked to his parents and knew his life, the one he cherished so much and he never wanted to lose... He could now never have that back...


Hey there everyone! I decided to try another story as the other one wasn't doing so well, this was just a passing idea though so i don't know how long ill keep it going. But that's not going to stop me from trying to make it entertaining.

{Gram} "well if its anything like the other one's, its going to have a lot of mistakes, and a lot of delays... But hopefully!~ i will make another appearance!~"

Shut up Gram... Well yah in this story we will be following the story of a farm town boy named Kieto on his life story as the hero that he didn't want to be, so sit back, get some popcorn, a drink, and watch as i suffer to try and not misspell words in this new story.

So as always...

"Looking forward to reading with you all again soon!" {All}

"No really am i going to make another appearance?" {Gram}

"Um, Guys?..." {Gram}




"... Guy's.... You still here?" {Gram}

I didn't WANT to be the heroWhere stories live. Discover now