Far from home

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Rain, it was all he could hear in the carriage he was in, the church along with a royal knight had arranged for him to be sent to have an meeting with tye king shortly after his blessing (curse).

In the carriage was him, a knight, and the head priest. Other then the rain, he could see many trees along the road, they seemed to be in a forest today.

{Kieto} "are we almost there?"

{Knight} "soon young hero, we should be at the capital some time today"

Its been 3 days since they left his village, his family, his home... Why did it have to be him.

As he was lost in his thoughts a few hours passed and he was now standing before a massive gate.

{Knight} "do not be afraid young hero"

He had spent some time with this man, he may not have his name but he does know he is a good man.

After they entered he was taken to a separate room where he was cleaned and dressed in better attire, after a long and embarrassing period of time he was at the audience halls doors waiting, the priest on his left, the knight on his right.

{Random announcer 378} "please welcome the young hero!"

The doors opened and he froze, the knight moved him foreword and he walked after a minute of time walking he reached the thrown (why does it always have to be a ways away from the door?!), the priest and knight bowed with Kieto following shortly after in a fluster.

{Princess} "heheh"

He heard the princess laugh and his ears turned a shade darker.

{King} "please rise, it is a pleasure to meet you young hero"

{Kieto} "t-the p-pleasure is all mine... Your m-majesty!"

He heard the princess chuckle again seeming to enjoy his suffering.

{King} "please young hero tell us your name"

{Kieto} "right! M-my name I-is Kieto!your majesty!"

{King} "again its a pleasure to meet you sir kieto... Now ill get straight to the point, kill the demon queen"

{Kieto} "... Eh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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