The Letter

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She on her bed reading her favorite book while her candle flickers on the table next to her. As she turned the page, she couldn't help but to grow more and more anxious about the letter she was expecting from the school that she had studied since she was small. It's not like it wouldn't arrive the next day. The letters always arrive on the students' 11th birthday. But, there was that thought in the back of her mind that maybe it would be delayed and she didn't like it.
Her father went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He told her about all the magnificent adventures he had while attending. All the friends he made, all the potions he brewed, and of course all of the games he won playing Quidditch. From hearing all of this, she had created her own scenarios in her head about the fun she'd have. Her mind was obviously elsewhere. She wasn't even focused on the fact that it was her birthday tomorrow. She just wanted that letter.
After gathering her thoughts, she put her book away, snuffed her candles out, and drifted asleep...
She pulled her covers back and let her toes touch the soft rug. As her and her cat walked downstairs, she was greeted by her mother who was making breakfast, and her father who was reading the paper. He picked up a piece of toast as he read, not even noticing she was up yet. "Good morning, darling! Happy birthday!" Said her mother." She smiled as she flipped the egg on the pan over. "Good morning, Y/N. Happy birthday". Said her father. Not even looking up. He was never a morning person. She noticed that he had the paper, so her letter should be around somewhere, hopefully. She studied the kitchen table hoping to find something with her name on it. But she sat down and waited for her food.
    Her eyes switched around the room. Scanning everything she could in hopes to see her name written on an envelope. Her father noticed. "Are you looking for something?" He asked her. Her attention drew to him. She folded her hands and spoke softly. "I was hoping my acceptance letter came..." He scuffled around in his news paper and looked at her. "This?" He asked, holding up a yellowish-white envelope that read, "Y/N". A burst of excitement rushed through her as she grabbed the letter and carefully opened it. Her mother plated up her food and brought it over to her with a smile on her face, because she knew how excited her daughter was. Her parents watched as she read it to herself. Her face dropped and a tear began to form. "What's wrong?" Asked her mother. Y/N looked up and made blurry, tear filled eye contact with her mother. "I didn't get in..." She trailed off and buried her face in her arms. All that waiting for nothing. All of the anticipation and daydreaming that went through her head everyday since she was a small child had all been shattered. Her mother picked up the letter, read through it a bit, and lightly hit her husband with it. He pulled out another envelope and said, "Oh. I think I gave you the wrong thing." With a smug look on his face. He handed her another one as she wiped her tears with her sleeve. She opened it and all the sorrow disappeared. She HAD been accepted. The handwriting was different, and there was an official Hogwarts seal holding the envelope shut, she noticed. "That was a nasty trick, Anthony." Said her mother, giving him a deathly glare. She recognized his handwriting and knew the first letter was fake. He liked to play tricks on his daughter. As do most fathers.
    She ran upstairs and began packing her things. Her mind was racing in excitement. In her mind, not a single thing could go wrong. And it didn't. Until later.

The Witch & The Wickedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें