Birthday Surprise

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    Y/N packed her things in such a frantic way, that she had begun packing things she didn't even need. Such as, pencils and pens, knowing full well that they exclusively use quills and ink at Hogwarts. The logic wasn't there, but her heart was in the right place. Her father came upstairs and saw her zooming around her room picking things up and tossing them in a pile next to her suitcase. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" He asked furrowing his brows. She stopped, looked at her mess, and up at him. "Packing." She stated. Then, continued on with her madness. "Why are you packing so early? You don't go for another two weeks, love."
"Yes, I know. I'm just too excited." She said. "I can see that." He said with a bit of laughter. "Well... Finish what you're doing, because it's almost time for your present. Or did you forget it was your birthday?" He said, jokingly. She calmed her pace and said, "I'll be down soon. Let me just sort myself out." And he walked back downstairs to leave her to it.
    She had finished packing, changed out of her pajamas and put on something suiting for the chilly weather outside. When she got downstairs, her mother was putting her purse on her shoulder and turned as she heard Y/N's footsteps behind her. She smiled at her daughter. "Are you ready?" She asked sweetly. Y/N nodded and they loaded up in the car, not telling her where they were taking her. She watched out the window, watching the trees as they sped past them, wondering where they were going. They seemed to be headed towards a rather beat up looking part of town. She was uneasy being that she had never been there before. The car came to a halt. They were in front of a run down building called, "The Leaky Cauldron". Y/N was very confused,. It seemed to be a pub. She looked at her father who was turned around looking at her, and with a questionable look on her face, she asked, "You realize I turned eleven. Not eighteen, right?" Both her parents laughed and her mother said, "Yes, love. But you and your father will be going inside. I think you will really like it." She was even more confused now that she was before. "Why aren't you going in, mum?" She asked. "Because, as you know, I'm what your father calls, a muggle. So, I can't go where you two are going. You two will probably be gone for a while, so I will have dinner ready and I will come get you around six o clock." She thought to herself how odd it was, yet she kind of understood. She nodded and got out of the car along with her father. They entered and saw a bunch of scraggly looking people. Some of them wearing funny hats and long robes.
    Her father lead her to a little outdoor area with a brick wall. "Well. This is it! Did you have fun?" He asked her. She had a puzzled expression on her face. "I'm only joking." He turned, facing the wall. She heard tapping on the bricks, then suddenly, they began pulling away from each other one by one to reveal a funny looking town. She was amazed. She knew it was magic, but living a muggle household, she'd never truly seen it before. Only heard the stories that her father told. They walked through the opening in the bricks and they closed in on themselves as if it never came apart. She was so overwhelmed that she didn't know what to focus on. So many things were happening. There were candy stores, books stores, and very small people, as well as children her age looking at the same letter she got. Then the pieces began to come together. "Are we in that place you told me about, dad? Where you bought your first Hogwarts items?" She asked, so wholeheartedly ecstatic. He nodded with a smile as he pulled out the list of things she needed.
    They got mostly everything, except a wand... but as she looked ever her list, she noticed that animals were allowed. Her eyes lit up. She pointed to where it read that they could have an owl, a toad, or a cat and she looked at her father. "Can I bring Nori?" She exclaimed, referring to her pet cat. He nodded and they continued on to Ollivander's.
As they walked in, the scent of old wood flooded Y/N's nose. It was quite pleasant. An old man with wild grayish white hair looked up from a wand he seemed to be examining. "Ah... Anthony Y/L/N. How wonderful to see you again!" The man said, looking directly at her father. "You as well." Said her father with a half smile. "Buying your first wand, I presume?" The old man asked, looking kindly at the girl standing next to her proud father. She simply nodded her head yes. She was the shy type. "Well.. Let's see. I think I have just the thing!" He said as he walked back past what seemed to be a large library of wands stacked upon wands. He carefully pulled one out, slowly walked over and set it on the counter. He slid the top off with a slight shake seeing how it had barely ever been opened. He handed it to her and said, "Here. Give this a wave." He handed it to her and she looked back at her father in confusion. Her father motioned to her what to do and she mimicked him. As she did this, a very large burst came with it and paper that had been laying on the counter flew every which way and made a giant mess. Her eyes grew wide as she set it down on the counter. "Nope! I don't think so.' Said the man. He pulled another one and again, handed it to her. "Try this one." He told her. As she picked it up, this one felt different than the last. It felt right. It fit in her hand so comfortably and she gave a slight smile and a little wave with the wand. Nothing extreme happened like it had with the last. The old man smiled and said, "That's the one, I presume." She handed the wand back to him and he boxed it back up and handed it to her. "There you go, young witch." She took it with a smile. Her father paid for it, and they walked back out. "That was amazing, dad!" She said with so much excitement. "But how do you know him?" She questioned. "I bought my first wand there when I turned eleven as well." She seemed amazed. "And he remembered you from that long ago?" He said, "yes. He remembers every single wand he's ever sold. As well as every single person who bought them." She was utterly impressed. That is a lot of wands AND people to remember.
As they went on their way back to The Leaky Cauldron, she stopped to hug her father. "Thank you so much, dad. This has been the best birthday yet." He pulled her in tighter and said, "of course. I'm glad you enjoyed everything. Now you should be set for school!" That last sentence made her beyond happy, and even more ecstatic to begin her days at Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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