None fandom Specific Blank oc Bio!!!

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((Note! Anything contained within double parenthesis, these ---> ((Like this)) should be deleted. They are just my personal notes to you, and are not integral to the BIO. :) ))

Regular, Non fandom based Oc Bio Template free for use. ((Soon to be posted on my Deviantart. I will update this once it is. :) ))

Template Suggested by: TesserPhantom
Template Created by: HeatherBelleGrey

((Please do not delete the link to my page. I would like for people to know where it came from, so that they may make their own ocs with it should they choose to. Also feel free to delete anything that isn't necessary to your oc. If there is anything you have questions about, please feel free to message me, or PM me, and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Also, if you use this, please notify me when you post, I would love to see your creation.))

Basic Info

Full Name:

Alias: ((Are they known by any other name?))






Date of birth:


Current Residence:

Home Life: ((How did their family treat them? What was their upbringing like?))

Superstitions: ((Do they believe in bad luck, or good luck? If they spill the salt, do they throw it over their shoulders. Do they keep a four leaf clover in their pocket, or somewhere on their person.))

Religion: ((Agnostic, and Atheist count as a religion.))

Job/Employment: ((Do they have a job? If so, where do they work? What is their position in their job? Are they good at what they do? Do they hate their job? Do they like what they do, but hate their coworkers/boss?))

Work Ethic: ((Are they punctual? Are they skating on thin ice, but just don't care?))




Pet Peeves:



Habits: ((Does your oc smoke heavily, drink often, are they an alcoholic? Do they bite their lips or nails? Do they jounce their leg when sitting?))




Appearance Info.

Body Type: ((Just some body descriptors. Busty, flat chested, muscular, weak, strong, frail, willowy, etc))



Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Skin Color:





Clothing Info.

Clothing style: ((Meaning what is their fashion style. Punk, Poppy, Preppy. Do they dress nice, are they wealthy and have expensive. Are they wealthy, but still wear ratty clothing? Are they a girl who likes to wear more boyish things? Are they a boy who likes to wear more feminine things? Pretty much just what are they typically seen in.))

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