8♤ First Impression ♤

104 23 120

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

"What the hell is going on?"

Holy mother of God,
This voice, This damn voice!

I can recognize it from miles even.

The same deep husky voice which sent chills down my spine two days back.

The same sexy Greek god!

What's this man doing here by using this tone on Mr Francis?

The man who was sitting in front me became stiff for a second and then nearly jumped out of his seat with a huge smile.

"Babe, I am so happy that you're finally back, but weren't you about to come a day or two later?"



Are MR Francis and the SEXY guy a couple?

Mr Francis can't be gay.

There was no such thing we have been taught.

Why would school teach us about his personal life?

But why does that sexy man had to be a gay?

I know he was rude but still he is Sexy which kind of made me enticed.

Deciding to not ponder over it anymore, I turned around.

Holy folks. It wasn't what I expected.

My breath got hitched by how sexy and intimidating he looked.

Wearing a half sleeved white shirt tucked in grey pants and black rimmed glasses, he looked as if he came out of a photoshoot.
Two of the shirts button were undone and he had that messy hair.

My gaze fixed on his bulging arms and I felt my throat go dry.

Huff! Why is it so hot here?

Pssssst! Too bad for me, he is a gay.

Not that I have any interest.
You clearly have interest in him.

I was in my own world, gawking him when suddenly he spoke up, "MR King, it's no way professional to act such in-front of someone. Refrain from doing so again"

Ah that darkalicious tone again!

wait what?

Mr King?

I was snapped out of the trance completely in a second and looked towards them in a confused manner.

Why is this man calling Mr Francis as Mr King?

"I told you MR Francis I am so unlike you, However I was just telling this sweet lady over here how amazing she looked in professional outfit and you just had to ruin everything."

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