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Weekly Prizes

1. There will be only one winner per week.

2. You will receive a shout out by both the Coalition Community and Golden Quill Society.

3. The winning weekly poem will be published in the Coalition Community's Anthology Collection: Mythos of the Moon.

4. A permanent follow by our community.

5. 1 Ace point for each poem entered for Coalition Community members  

6.  A review of of your poem by one of the Coalition Community reviewers. 

Grand Champion

1. Shout out by the community

2. Sash or banner, winner's choice, reflecting your win.

3. A chapter for your poems in Mythos of the Moon.

4. A permanent follow by our community and the judges.

5.  5 additional Ace points if you are a member of the Coalition Community

6. A review of all 6 of your poems by one of our Coalition Community reviewers. 

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